Boat Building Forum

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Re: Pictures of my first kayak.
By:Vernon Lowery
Date: 7/25/2000, 9:04 am
In Response To: Pictures of my first kayak. (Einar Feren Veland)

Very nice boat! The Auk's don't get much attention on these pages but I have really enjoyed mine. You have posted the best photo group I have seen showing the various angles, I didn't know what one really looked like until mine hit the water. When are you starting the next boat...?


Messages In This Thread

Pictures of my first kayak.
Einar Feren Veland -- 7/25/2000, 7:17 am
Re: Pictures of my first kayak.
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 7/25/2000, 9:11 am
Re: Pictures of my first kayak.
Vernon Lowery -- 7/25/2000, 9:04 am
Re: Pictures of my first kayak.
Einar Feren Veland -- 7/25/2000, 9:23 am
Re: Pictures of my first kayak.
Einar Feren Veland -- 7/25/2000, 7:23 am