Date: 7/27/2000, 10:09 pm
Well, I think It's time to give up on the Glen-L epoxy until the temps get below 90*. I've tried everything I could imagine, and about all the suggestions given me by you folks and I've use up over 1qt. epoxy and equivelent hardener and gotten about 20' of seams filleted and about 8' taped in the "8"ball. I have about 8 or 9 cups with half batches of hardened putty and resin. I can't get it to go more that 7 or 8 minutes. I know other epoxies will, as I watch David Barrett glass the whole inside of his canoe in about 1 hr.+ and the stuff was still good for several minutes of working time. I have to assume that the Glen-L epoxy just won't be worked at that temp. outside. At that rate it will take me two gallons of the stuff to do an 8' boat. I only used 4 and 6 oz batches as I don't have the means of making anything any smaller. (measureing wise ) My choices at this point are: hold off on my brothers boat till the temps drop, or, use My Raka epoxy on his boat and then have to reorder more for mine. :) Well, for little brother, I guess that's not a hard decision really. My point is that if any one is building in this kind of heat, I would NOT recomend Glen-L epoxy. I know there are other's out there that will work, but, he's already spent all he can on the boat. I thank all of you who posted ideas on how to get this stuff to work longer. The best working idea was mixing the epoxy and using redwood sawdust. It was much easier to work, but, still cooked off before I could use it all.
Bye the way, as I recall, someone mentioned using foam brushes in the past, and I was wondering what kind of luck folks have with them. I bought 4 and none of them lasted through one batch of resin. They disintegrated within minutes. One thing neat about then, when the batch was about to go off, they start smoking and melt off the stick. Time to stop!! I have black specks all over my epoxy( fortunately all are inside the seat compartments and won't be seen when I close them up. I can use the plastic spatulas on the rest of the boat, but, inside the seat comp. it's too tight of a fit. I used a brush for one batch, but, it died halfway through the mix. I stuck it in a can of thinner or den. alcohol??? as soon as the stuff started to heat up, but, too late. This could be a costly ordeal just in brushes. :( This sure ain't workin' like in the video.... Well, enough whining for now, time to go pick up the Grandkids and have some FUN!! More entertainment tomorrow evening. :)
Messages In This Thread
- I Surrender... Glen-L Epoxy x 90*+ :(
Rehd -- 7/27/2000, 10:09 pm- Re: I Surrender... Glen-L Epoxy x 90*+ :(
Paul C -- 7/28/2000, 10:49 pm- Re: I Surrender... Glen-L Epoxy x 90*+ :(
Rehd -- 7/29/2000, 12:32 am- Re: Foam brushes
Dave Houser -- 7/29/2000, 11:54 am- Re: Foam brushes
Jason -- 7/31/2000, 12:14 pm
- Re: Foam brushes
- Re: Foam brushes
- Re: I Surrender... Glen-L Epoxy x 90*+ :(
- I don't recommend Glen-L either.
Jim Gabriel -- 7/28/2000, 10:35 am - Re: I Surrender... Glen-L Epoxy x 90*+ :(
Erez -- 7/28/2000, 6:11 am- Re: I Surrender... Glen-L Epoxy x 90*+ :(
Rehd -- 7/28/2000, 8:54 am
- Re: I Surrender... Glen-L Epoxy x 90*+ :(
- Re: I Surrender... Glen-L Epoxy x 90*+ :(
Dave Houser -- 7/28/2000, 2:57 am- Re: I Surrender... Glen-L Epoxy x 90*+ :(
Rehd -- 7/28/2000, 9:10 am
- Re: I Surrender... Glen-L Epoxy x 90*+ :(
- Re: I Surrender... Glen-L Epoxy x 90*+ :(