Date: 7/30/2000, 1:44 am
Rehd, Cool Guy...I was being funny. Of course I wouldn't pour a perfectly good beer on myself however, somehow a couple managed to sneak down my throat. You know, the aloe thing really doesn't do it for me though it's just the ticket for my wife.
Now, about this issue about exposure: you're absolutely right. The ketones, which include 2-butanol (ie, methyl ethyl ketone), acetone (dimethyl ketone), et al, quite freely pass through the skin and into the blood and are quite toxic, particulary to the nephrons, the specialized cells that filter the blood, bone marrow (chronic exposure includes low CBC, anemias, etc) and short- and long-term neurological effects. Rubbing alcohol (isopropanol) is commonly used as a topical muscle relaxant however, compare the wholesale use of it versus it's Permissable Exposure Limit in the workplace and one is left going "huh"? Bottom line, all solvents should be handled with the appropriate personnel protective equipment, though the common chmicals used in fiberglass application don't affect latex and nitrile rubber. Polyester epoxy will degrade with time vinyl gloves however, break-though usually is measured in hours. Speaking of PPE, you have no idea how many times I wanted to discuss fit-testing when the subject of air-purifying respirators came up....
Thanks for your reply, today was one terrific paddle, topped off with surfing some nice sets at the end. Always a hit with the surfers, and there's nothing like that to get a beach load of people to stop and watch the skinny boat catch some air after blasting down a wave.
ultimate regards to everyone
tig (the frequent smart-ass)
Messages In This Thread
- Goo gone
Don Beale -- 7/29/2000, 3:28 pm- Tape? Don't need much stinkin' tape! *Pic*
Jerry Siegel -- 7/30/2000, 1:32 pm- Here's the pic *Pic*
Jerry Siegel -- 7/30/2000, 1:35 pm- Re: No It's Not!
Spidey -- 7/30/2000, 1:49 pm - One more try *Pic*
Jerry Siegel -- 7/30/2000, 1:45 pm- Another view *Pic*
Jerry Siegel -- 7/30/2000, 1:48 pm- Re: Another view
Tony -- 7/31/2000, 1:29 pm
- Re: Another view
- Another view *Pic*
- Re: No It's Not!
- Here's the pic *Pic*
- Re: Goo gone
Dean Trexel -- 7/29/2000, 4:21 pm- Re: Goo gone
Don Beale -- 7/30/2000, 10:12 am - Re: Goo gone
Tig and Tink -- 7/29/2000, 8:53 pm- Re: Goo gone
Dean Trexel -- 7/29/2000, 9:00 pm- Re: Goo gone
Tig and Tink -- 7/29/2000, 9:22 pm- Re: Goo gone
Rehd -- 7/30/2000, 12:40 am- Re: Goo gone
Tig and Tink -- 7/30/2000, 1:44 am
- Re: Goo gone
- Re: Goo gone
Dean Trexel -- 7/29/2000, 10:43 pm- Re: Solvent Wipes
Dave Houser -- 7/30/2000, 12:28 am
- Re: Solvent Wipes
- Re: Goo gone
Ken Sutherland -- 7/29/2000, 10:03 pm
- Re: Goo gone
- Re: Goo gone
- Re: Goo gone
- Re: Goo gone
- Tape? Don't need much stinkin' tape! *Pic*