Boat Building Forum

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Re: Survey: Lose the "Top 10" ?
Date: 8/2/2000, 12:48 pm
In Response To: Re: Survey: Lose the "Top 10" ? (Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks)

I don't tend to look at the "top 10" very often (1-2 times per year). However if there was a top 10 for lurkers I would probably be number 1 on the list. I respond, submit questions and answers only when I feel the need, or if something has not been covered. I would say that I am the quite one on the board, and that is fine, for us lurkers.

PS: the Bio info would kind of be interesting. I would love to know more about what some people's background and experiences are and how long they have been an addict.


: One of the reasons I created this bulletin board was so I wouldn't have to
: spend so much time answering questions myself. If you look at the top 10,
: you will see I'm using it to pretty good effect, letting people like you
: do a lot of work for me. The real advantage of this is the quality of the
: answers is better due to the wider range of experiences.

: Whether or not the "Top 10" listing is a good thing is an open
: question. I don't feel at all put out that Lee, who works with CLC, is
: posting far more frequently than I do. His posts are always worth reading
: and that is all I care about. I welcome anyone who wants to share their
: thoughts.

: The next version of the this BBS script has a feature for creating a little
: "Bio" page for each person. This is linked in with the "Top
: 10" listing so people can read more about the poster. Go to
: to see more about this.

: The new version also overcomes the problems with the views counter. I was
: intending to turn it on when I get around to making the upgrade.

: I am interested in hearing it people think the "Top 10" and
: "Views" counter are a good thing, interesting, entertaing, or a
: bad thing, distracting, intimidating, whatever.

Messages In This Thread

Survey: Lose the "Top 10" ?
Spidey -- 8/2/2000, 1:42 am
Re: Survey: Lose the "Top 10" ?
Rehd -- 8/3/2000, 1:24 am
Re: Survey: Lose the "Top 10" ?
Rehd -- 8/3/2000, 1:28 am
Re: You people are a great bunch . . .
Spidey -- 8/3/2000, 12:35 am
Re: Don't care but . . .
Tom Kurth -- 8/2/2000, 10:51 pm
Re: looks like Hell? COMP *Pic*
Mike Hanks -- 8/3/2000, 11:01 am
Re: looks like Hell? COMP
Kent LeBoutillier -- 8/3/2000, 11:39 am
I Give Up
Mike Scarborough -- 8/2/2000, 7:55 pm
Re: I Give Up
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/3/2000, 1:16 pm
Re: I Give Up
andy clifford -- 8/2/2000, 10:34 pm
Re: 9 to go spidey.......!
lee -- 8/2/2000, 7:52 pm
Re: Not until I top Spidey!
Dean Trexel -- 8/2/2000, 5:49 pm
Re: 23 posts to go! (NT)
Dean Trexel -- 8/2/2000, 6:11 pm
Re: You're cheating. 115 posts to go! (NT)
Dave Houser -- 8/3/2000, 9:04 pm
Re: 22 posts to go! (NT) ;-)
Dean Trexel -- 8/2/2000, 6:12 pm
Re: You're still cheating 114 posts to go! (NT)
Dave Houser -- 8/3/2000, 9:09 pm
Top 10 "peekers"
Vernon Lowery -- 8/2/2000, 4:39 pm
Re: Survey: Lose the "Top 10" ?
Dale Frolander -- 8/2/2000, 2:31 pm
Re: Survey: Lose the "Top 10" ?
Don Beale -- 8/2/2000, 12:13 pm
Re: The "Top 10", Bios, and Views
Shawn B -- 8/2/2000, 11:41 am
Re: 10 more spidey....
lee -- 8/2/2000, 8:13 pm
Re: 11,,oops NT, OT ,,YOYO,,,,,TTFN
lee -- 8/2/2000, 8:15 pm
Re: The "Top 10", Bios, and Views
Tony -- 8/2/2000, 12:44 pm
Lose It
mike allen ---> -- 8/2/2000, 11:27 am
Add one more post for me :)
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/2/2000, 3:05 pm
Re: Never even noticed it
Peter H -- 8/2/2000, 11:39 am
Re: Never even noticed it
Robert Palmeter -- 8/2/2000, 3:50 pm
Re: Keep Posting!
Luke Curran -- 8/2/2000, 11:38 am
Re: Survey: Lose the "Top 10" ?
andy clifford -- 8/2/2000, 10:03 am
Re: Survey: Lose the "Top 10" ?
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 8/2/2000, 10:00 am
Re: Survey: Lose the "Top 10" ?
Roger Nuffer -- 8/4/2000, 12:05 am
Re: Wooden Sea Kayak Club & Rendezvous *Pic*
Mike Hanks -- 8/4/2000, 11:02 am
Re: Survey: Lose the "Top 10" ? Not!!!
Ronnie -- 8/3/2000, 7:30 pm
Re: 10 more Spidey...., er Nick
lee -- 8/2/2000, 8:01 pm
Re: Survey: Lose the "Top 10" ?
Dean Trexel -- 8/2/2000, 6:00 pm
Re: Survey: Lose the "Top 10" ?
Jason -- 8/2/2000, 12:48 pm
Re: Survey: Lose the "Top 10" ?
Ken Finger -- 8/2/2000, 8:13 am
Re: Survey: Lose the "Top 10" ?
Dave Houser -- 8/2/2000, 2:50 am
Re: Survey..... Keep on posting!!
Ken Sutherland -- 8/2/2000, 2:45 am