Boat Building Forum

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Re: Jig saws
By:Charles Cooper
Date: 8/9/2000, 11:56 am
In Response To: Re: Jig saws (Brian Wegener)

: I would disagree with the person that claimed that jig saws are not good for
: cutting thin stock. That is what they are designed for. The roughness of
: cut can be minimized by the proper blade choice. Smaller toothed,
: narrow-set blades cut smoother, but slower. Blades that cut on the
: upstroke are available that keep the bottom side smooth. Blades that cut
: on the down stroke are availble that keep the top side smooth. There are
: blades designed to keep both sides smooth by having no hook on the teeth,
: but I don't have any experience using them.

You can also use metal cutting blades. They have little set and small teeth. They cut on the upstroke, but because of the small teeth, there is very little tearout. Do do have to cut slowly though; if you don't the gullets between the teeth will fill with sawdust and the blade will burn it's way (rather than cut) through the wood.

Whatever blade you use, it's best to know which is the good side of the board and the blade oriented correctly. See Rehd's earlier post.

Messages In This Thread

Jig saws
tcjanes -- 8/3/2000, 10:18 am
Re: Jig saws
Brian Wegener -- 8/4/2000, 9:30 am
Re: Jig saws
Charles Cooper -- 8/9/2000, 11:56 am
Re: Jig saws
Tony -- 8/4/2000, 5:17 pm
Re: Jig saws - DeWalt 318
Dwight -- 8/3/2000, 9:23 pm
Re: Jig saws - DeWalt 318
Greg Hicks -- 8/4/2000, 10:36 am
Re: Jig saws
Rehd -- 8/3/2000, 12:07 pm
Re: Jig saws on plywood boat panels
Dave Houser -- 8/3/2000, 9:44 pm
Re: Jig saws
Tony -- 8/3/2000, 11:57 am
Re: Jig saws
Mike Scarborough -- 8/3/2000, 6:48 pm
Re: Jig saws
Tony -- 8/3/2000, 7:19 pm