Boat Building Forum

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Re: Great Finish
By:Shawn B
Date: 8/16/2000, 10:09 am
In Response To: Son of Hybrid Boat From Hell? *Pic* (Pete Roszyk)

As usual Pete, you can be counted on for a gleaming finish!

I'm afraid I didn't have enough time to do a nice fill-and-sand job on my boat before the R2K--too busy getting all the little details sorted out.

See you Saturday, Shawn

: Yes, maybe you can do that as a theoretical matter, but I made two panels as
: spec'd in the plans: The foredeck and rear deck, then joined them as they
: were attached to the hull. I also agree that you'll be wanting to glass
: the underside of the deck.

: "Just like"? Nope, not a chance! The individual strips will be at
: least partially 'glued' to its neighbor, and remember that the INSIDE, or
: concave, surface is glassed. What will happen as you bend is that the
: epoxy between the strips, being locally stronger than the wood, will not
: flex, while the wood strips have to take all the bending. Well, on my
: project, they wouldn't; the strips started cracking and splitting almost
: immediately, even on the more gently curved rear deck. I found I had to
: run a utility knife down every stinking joint, scoring the epoxy enough
: that it would split enough to get some curvature. Then, before glassing
: the deck, I had to re-fill those resulting gaps.

: One reason that it goes on in two pieces is that an already-joined, flat
: panel with the big cockpit hole in the middle would be very floppy and
: fragile. Another is that it wouldn't really be flat; the differing
: curvatures of the front and rear decks also means different arc lengths.
: In actual construction, this difference is made up by twisting the narrow
: ends enough to mate.

: Nope, if you do it with thin enough strips (I used 3/16" x 1.5")
: you can get pretty fair lines.

: Good luck; I wish you well... .

Messages In This Thread

strip built deck on S & G hull
todd -- 8/13/2000, 10:46 am
Re: strip built deck on S & G hull
michael -- 8/13/2000, 8:21 pm
strip deck on S & G hull without stripping?
todd -- 8/13/2000, 9:56 pm
Son of Hybrid Boat From Hell? *Pic*
Pete Roszyk -- 8/14/2000, 9:39 am
Re: Son of Hybrid Boat From Hell?
Roger Nuffer -- 8/21/2000, 12:20 pm
Re: Great Finish
Shawn B -- 8/16/2000, 10:09 am
One Hell of a nice looking kayak!
Gary B. -- 8/15/2000, 9:26 pm
Re: Deck cleats
Pete Roszyk -- 8/16/2000, 9:29 am
Re: Deck cleats
Gary B. -- 8/18/2000, 12:50 am
Standard 3" deck cleats *Pic*
Pete Roszyk -- 8/18/2000, 12:08 pm
Thanks Pete
Gary B. -- 8/18/2000, 11:05 pm
Looks like you need to pull some weeds. :-) NT
Dale Frolander -- 8/18/2000, 2:13 pm
Re: Son of Hybrid Boat From Hell?
Rehd -- 8/14/2000, 8:43 pm
Re: Nice Looker
Spidey -- 8/14/2000, 7:32 pm
Prestripped deck on S & G
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/13/2000, 11:16 pm
Re: Prestripped deck on S & G
Mike Hanks -- 8/14/2000, 12:19 am
Re: Some ideas...
John B. -- 8/13/2000, 12:15 pm
Re: strip built deck on S & G hull
Mike Hanks -- 8/13/2000, 11:07 am
Re: strip built deck on S & G hull *Pic*
Don Beale -- 8/14/2000, 12:24 pm