Date: 8/27/2000, 11:39 pm
I have the footbrace from Nick's book, which is the kit Eric sells. It is quite comfortable, and easy to make. I also used the rudder control in the Tred Avon, and it is very smooth, however it's a little hard to adjust. Once it's tweaked right, it also works very well. Both of these are in a Tred Avon. I used a jam cleat to adjust it with, instead of all the hooks in the track. Less sharpies for the feet, I thought.
In the new Spring Run, almost to launching, I made the track a little looser, as I had a little trouble with the Tred Avon swelling and jamming even though it was well coated with epoxy. Now, the track is too loose and I am looking for a material, about 1/16" thick, that would make a good pad for the brace to slide on. Perhaps formica? Or phenolic, if I could find a glue that would bond it in place. Anyway, the footbrace works well, and is highly recommended. It was on display at R2K.
: Has anyone tried making their own adjustable foot braces? I don't like the
: idea of having foot braces fixed in one place and I am having trouble
: finding any adjustable ones to buy where I live. I found a site that sells
: plans for footbraces (see link below) which I have also seen in a book.
: Has anyone tried building these or come up with their own design?
Messages In This Thread
- Has anyone made adjustable foot braces?
Jimmy -- 8/27/2000, 10:56 pm- Re: Has anyone made adjustable foot braces?
Bill H. -- 9/2/2000, 12:08 pm- Re: Has anyone made adjustable foot braces?
Jimmy -- 9/4/2000, 4:45 am- Re: Has anyone made adjustable foot braces?
Don Beale -- 9/4/2000, 10:47 am
- Re: Has anyone made adjustable foot braces?
- Re: Has anyone made adjustable foot braces?
TOM -- 8/29/2000, 7:29 pm- The "Mono-Brace"
Dave -- 8/28/2000, 6:06 pm- Re: The "Mono-Brace"
Jimmy -- 8/28/2000, 10:48 pm
- more foot braces questions
Jimmy -- 8/28/2000, 1:14 pm- Re: Has anyone made adjustable foot braces? *Pic*
Matthew Bastian -- 8/28/2000, 8:28 am- Nice Design!!
mike allen ---> -- 8/28/2000, 5:26 pm- Re: Has anyone made adjustable foot braces?
Jimmy -- 8/28/2000, 12:47 pm- Re: Has anyone made adjustable foot braces?
Matthew Bastian -- 8/28/2000, 1:13 pm
- Re: Has anyone made adjustable foot braces?
- Re: Has anyone made adjustable foot braces?
steve pollack -- 8/28/2000, 8:03 am- Re: Has anyone made adjustable foot braces?
Don Beale -- 8/27/2000, 11:39 pm - Re: Has anyone made adjustable foot braces?
- Re: Has anyone made adjustable foot braces?