Date: 9/2/2000, 11:33 am
Like Greg Hicks (whose web site is informative and inspirational!) I recently build a Merganser. I'm a newbie to true sea kayaks although I've had a 15' folbot for years. I launched my boat last weekend, and spent about four hours on the Sheboygan river in the narrow and wide areas, and around the mouth of the river where it runs into Lake Michigan. The boat seems to track and turn pretty well even for a newbie like me. It would be adequate for all but very narrow and shallow rivers, and according to other reports will certainly handle ope water if you have the skills. This could probably be said of most good designs that are intended to have some manouverability - eg. Chesapeak, Pygmy tern & coho, and others.
Good Luck,
Bill H.
Messages In This Thread
- Newbie Advice
Marty Phillips -- 8/29/2000, 1:31 pm- Re: Newbie Advice
Greg Hicks -- 8/29/2000, 9:04 pm- Re: Newbie Advice
Bill H. -- 9/2/2000, 11:33 am
- Re: Newbie Advice
- Re: Newbie Advice
Dave E -- 8/29/2000, 3:39 pm - contrasting uses
Jim Eisenmenger -- 8/29/2000, 3:13 pm- Re: contrasting uses
Don Beale -- 8/29/2000, 5:25 pm - Re: contrasting uses
Smiley Shields -- 8/29/2000, 3:49 pm
- Re: contrasting uses
- Re: Newbie Advice