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Re: fill coat questions
By:Don Beale
Date: 9/4/2000, 10:15 pm
In Response To: fill coat questions (daniel)

I tried Nick's "bristle brush" method, and am reasonably happy with it. I cut the bristles down to about half the length, giving me a short stiff brush. Hull and deck on the Spring Run took 10 oz. This was after sanding the other fill coats to get the bumps off them.

I've always been of the theory that it didnt really matter how they go on until the last one, but I'm not so sure now. On this boat, I had spots of fill where I didnt want to waste a part batch of glue. Then I had coats that were smeared on with the glove. I had lots of runs. After sanding, and brushing, this last coat is pretty smooth. Not perfect but a far sight better. Next time I'll do each fill coat one at a time. Oh, wait, the next boat is a Walrus. It'll have to be the one after that...

: I'm working on both a Pygmy Coho and Tern (I was so impressed with my test
: paddling that I bought two) and am just about to start on the fill coats,
: and it occurred to me that I don't have a clear picture of what my goal is
: in this step, nor the best technique to use to lay the coats on.

: (I searched through old posts [and found some good information!], but not
: specifically these.)

: (a) about how much epoxy are each of these fill coats going to take? I think
: the hull saturation coat took about 12-15 oz each, and the glass coat
: about 20 oz each. What's reasonable, say, 8 oz? or does it take as much as
: the "satch" coat?

: (b) if I use a squeegee, I can easily see how the weave will get filled, but
: isn't the squeegee going to scrape down to the level of the top of the
: glass weave, and thus sanding it later would cut into the glass?

: (c) if I use a roller, but don't have enough epoxy gooped into the roller,
: will it leave a coat that's too thin? (and if too dry, even pick up epoxy
: rather than depositing it?)

: how about the cut-in-half-roller-used-as-a-squeegee method? will that both
: lay in a decent coat of epoxy and not scrape down too hard against the
: glass?

: please give me the benefit of your vast collective experience!

: thanks,

: dan

Messages In This Thread

fill coat questions
daniel -- 9/4/2000, 9:16 pm
Re: fill coat questions
Jay Babina -- 9/6/2000, 9:52 am
I vote for the squeegee
George Burns -- 9/5/2000, 1:47 am
Re: fill coat questions
Mike -- 9/4/2000, 11:53 pm
Re: fill coat questions
Don Beale -- 9/4/2000, 10:15 pm
Re: fill coat questions
Larry C. -- 9/4/2000, 9:53 pm
Re: fill coat questions
Ryan Olson -- 9/4/2000, 11:33 pm
Re: fill coat questions
Tony -- 9/5/2000, 7:54 pm