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Re: Waterproof pump switch.
By:Dale Frolander
Date: 9/24/2000, 9:33 pm
In Response To: Waterproof pump switch. (Ian Johnston)

I think I bought the same thing a while back, but haven't gotten far enough to hook it up yet.

I think they are just made to be water resistant. I think you might have to put it on with sealant on the threads to make it waterproof. Another way might be to use the white teflon tape that plumbers use on the threads.

The water won't be under too much pressure to get in (unless you sink your kayak ) so it probably isn't that critical.

I'll be interested to see how your test works out.


: Hi All,

: I was down at the local Radio Shack yesterday looking for the bits and pieces
: needed to hook up an electric pump in my kayak.

: While there, I found a rubber cap that goes over the top of a toggle switch
: and makes it WATERPROOF. You still need to seal the switch into a
: waterproof box but the problem has always been the part sticking out of
: this box.

: They come in 2 sizes. The part number is 275-1598 for the larger size and
: they cost me $4.99 Can. for two; one red, one black.

: I now have all the pieces for the system so I will put the switch and box
: together tomorrow (I left my soldering iron at work!), throw it in a sink
: full of water and let you know how it worked.

: Ian

Messages In This Thread

Waterproof pump switch.
Ian Johnston -- 9/24/2000, 4:12 pm
Test Results
Ian Johnston -- 9/25/2000, 9:02 pm
Re: Test Results
Jack Martin -- 9/27/2000, 12:14 am
Re: Test Results
Ian Johnston -- 9/27/2000, 2:13 am
Paul G. Jacobson -- 9/28/2000, 1:18 am
Re: Test Results
Pete Strand -- 9/27/2000, 1:30 pm
Re: other free batteries
Ross Leidy -- 9/27/2000, 2:35 pm
And then again:
Paul G. Jacobson -- 9/25/2000, 8:02 pm
Re: Waterproof pump switch.
Andrew Eddy -- 9/25/2000, 3:22 am
completely waterproof switch
Paul G. Jacobson -- 9/24/2000, 10:52 pm
I've got the switch but what about a battery *Pic*
Kent LeBoutillier -- 9/26/2000, 8:38 am
Re: completely waterproof switch
Ian Johnston -- 9/24/2000, 11:41 pm
Please double check those specs
Paul G. Jacobson -- 9/25/2000, 7:44 pm
Re: completely waterproof switch
Shawn B -- 9/25/2000, 1:49 pm
Re: Waterproof pump switch.
Jack Martin -- 9/24/2000, 10:19 pm
Re: Waterproof pump switch.
Dale Frolander -- 9/24/2000, 9:33 pm
Re: Waterproof pump switch.
Ian Johnston -- 9/24/2000, 11:50 pm