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Re: Waterproof pump switch.
By:Ian Johnston
Date: 9/24/2000, 11:50 pm
In Response To: Re: Waterproof pump switch. (Dale Frolander)

Hi Dale,

: I think I bought the same thing a while back, but haven't gotten far enough
: to hook it up yet.

: I think they are just made to be water resistant. I think you might have to
: put it on with sealant on the threads to make it waterproof. Another way
: might be to use the white teflon tape that plumbers use on the threads.

The ones I bought have a gasket under the threads to seal to the switch mounting surface. This should eliminate thread leakage but when I build it permanent I will use a semi permanent thread locking compound which will seal them furthe and stop the switch from coming loose.

: The water won't be under too much pressure to get in (unless you sink your
: kayak ) so it probably isn't that critical.

: I'll be interested to see how your test works out.

Yes, I will too. This seems too easy but I have all the pieces and can't see a problem anywhere. The proof is in the pudding as they say so I will know for sure tomorrow when I get the pudding, oops! I mean switch, together.

I'll let you know,


Messages In This Thread

Waterproof pump switch.
Ian Johnston -- 9/24/2000, 4:12 pm
Test Results
Ian Johnston -- 9/25/2000, 9:02 pm
Re: Test Results
Jack Martin -- 9/27/2000, 12:14 am
Re: Test Results
Ian Johnston -- 9/27/2000, 2:13 am
Paul G. Jacobson -- 9/28/2000, 1:18 am
Re: Test Results
Pete Strand -- 9/27/2000, 1:30 pm
Re: other free batteries
Ross Leidy -- 9/27/2000, 2:35 pm
And then again:
Paul G. Jacobson -- 9/25/2000, 8:02 pm
Re: Waterproof pump switch.
Andrew Eddy -- 9/25/2000, 3:22 am
completely waterproof switch
Paul G. Jacobson -- 9/24/2000, 10:52 pm
I've got the switch but what about a battery *Pic*
Kent LeBoutillier -- 9/26/2000, 8:38 am
Re: completely waterproof switch
Ian Johnston -- 9/24/2000, 11:41 pm
Please double check those specs
Paul G. Jacobson -- 9/25/2000, 7:44 pm
Re: completely waterproof switch
Shawn B -- 9/25/2000, 1:49 pm
Re: Waterproof pump switch.
Jack Martin -- 9/24/2000, 10:19 pm
Re: Waterproof pump switch.
Dale Frolander -- 9/24/2000, 9:33 pm
Re: Waterproof pump switch.
Ian Johnston -- 9/24/2000, 11:50 pm