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Re: Pits in the Varnish ?!? Help
By:Ian Johnston
Date: 9/26/2000, 2:21 am
In Response To: Pits in the Varnish ?!? Help (Mike)

: OK - after the first and second coat of varnish I was chalking it up
: substrate imperfections, but I continue to get a pitting in my 3rd coat of
: varnish. These are small and frequent pin size depressions in the varnish
: on one part of my after deck. I thought that after 3 coats sanded between
: each that they would go away. Do I have a contamination problem? If so why
: would they stay in the same spot?

Hi Mike,

Because the inperfections show up in the same place all the time I would say that you have a contamination in the area. The contamination could be anything from silicone to oils from your hands.

To fix the problem you will have to use a wax and grease remover before sanding again and then again after sanding and before applying another coat.

To tell you the truth, I can't recommend a product because I don't know how how resistant the varnish is to them. Your best bet is to check with the varnish supplier for an appropriate product.


Messages In This Thread

Pits in the Varnish ?!? Help
Mike -- 9/25/2000, 10:52 pm
Re: Pits in the Varnish ?!? Help
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 9/26/2000, 11:33 am
Denatured Alcohol... Diluted??
Mike -- 9/26/2000, 11:24 pm
Re: Denatured Alcohol... Diluted??
Kent LeBoutillier -- 9/27/2000, 6:36 am
Re: Pits in the Varnish ?!? Help
Ian Johnston -- 9/26/2000, 2:21 am
Re: Pits in the Varnish ?!? Help
Mike -- 9/26/2000, 10:10 am
Re: Pits in the Varnish ?!? Help
Kent LeBoutillier -- 9/26/2000, 11:35 am