Boat Building Forum

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Re: Get the Book
By:Ken Finger
Date: 9/27/2000, 10:32 am
In Response To: Used Plans (Eric Tate)

If you don't want to pay the $80 bucks for plans, buy Nick's book. It has plans for the double in it, and is much less expensive than the plans. If you're too cheap to buy the book, I will share some of it with you. It says form spacing can be adjusted to produce a longer craft. So use your existing forms, increase the spacing between them, and modify the deck to accomodate two cockpits rather than one. You'll have to do a little math to determine the proper spacing of the cockpits, but it shouldn't be that hard. If it gets complicated, use the money you save on the plans to buy a calculator.

Messages In This Thread

Used Plans
Eric Tate -- 9/26/2000, 10:55 pm
Re: Gotta love this thread!
Don Beale -- 9/27/2000, 5:13 pm
Re: Gotta love this thread!
Jack Martin -- 9/27/2000, 9:47 pm
Re: Yeah...
Don Beale -- 9/28/2000, 12:35 am
Re: Yeah...
Jack Martin -- 9/28/2000, 8:00 am
Re: Gotta love this thread!
Roger Nuffer -- 9/27/2000, 11:56 pm
Re:Yer preachin to the choir here!
Don Beale -- 9/28/2000, 12:28 am
Re: Get the Book
Ken Finger -- 9/27/2000, 10:32 am
Re: Get the Book
Tony -- 9/27/2000, 2:53 pm
Re: Get the Book
Ken Finger -- 9/28/2000, 7:16 am
Re: Used Plans
Edgar Kleindinst -- 9/27/2000, 8:05 am
Re: Used Plans
Kent LeBoutillier -- 9/27/2000, 6:23 am
Take up hiking
Jack Martin -- 9/26/2000, 11:56 pm