Tapering form edges for stapleless
By:Andreas Albat
Date: 10/2/2000, 11:23 am
Date: 10/2/2000, 11:23 am
Hi everyone,
I am debating if I need to taper the form edges in order to push the strips flat against the forms. If I don't grind the form edge to be parallel to the hull/deck shape, the strip ideally contacts only one edge of the form, but if I use more pressure it will sit flat against the form (parallel to the bow/stern axis) = wave in the strip which is undesirable.
Any suggestions or comments?
Messages In This Thread
- Tapering form edges for stapleless
Andreas Albat -- 10/2/2000, 11:23 am- Re: Tapering form edges for stapleless
Kent LeBoutillier -- 10/2/2000, 11:43 am
- Re: Tapering form edges for stapleless