Re: Tapering form edges for stapleless
By:Kent LeBoutillier
Date: 10/2/2000, 11:43 am
Date: 10/2/2000, 11:43 am
In Response To: Tapering form edges for stapleless (Andreas Albat)
Hi Andreas,
You don't need to do anything with the forms, they are fine the way they are. Yes the strip will not fit flush with the form but that does not matter. Just Build it!!
Messages In This Thread
- Tapering form edges for stapleless
Andreas Albat -- 10/2/2000, 11:23 am- Re: Tapering form edges for stapleless
Kent LeBoutillier -- 10/2/2000, 11:43 am
- Re: Tapering form edges for stapleless