Re: What am I doing wrong ??
In Response To: Re: What am I doing wrong ?? (Edgar & Judy Kleindinst)
: I have experienced the exact same problem and finally gave up. Now I'm
: wondering if mine is there too, Even after flushing the caches and
: deleting cookie files I still can't see it
Reload your Bulliton Board by typing in in your address space listed above. Or use the link below. Once your into the bulliton board, click on your last entry. This is probably the one I'm responding to. Your name and email address should appear in blue. Click on your name and it will take you to your profile.
By the way, nice home page. Your profile is also working.
Good luck
Messages In This Thread
- What am I doing wrong ??
Ed Walshe -- 10/13/2000, 1:37 pm- Re: What am I doing wrong ??
Ed Walshe -- 10/16/2000, 9:36 am- Re: What am I doing wrong ??
Roger Nuffer -- 10/16/2000, 12:16 pm
- Re: What am I doing wrong ??
Edgar & Judy Kleindinst -- 10/16/2000, 8:19 am- Re: What am I doing wrong ??
Roger Nuffer -- 10/16/2000, 12:02 pm- You and Ed W. are both there *NM*
Pete Roszyk -- 10/16/2000, 8:39 am - You and Ed W. are both there *NM*
- Your Profile works. So does your homepage Link
Roger Nuffer -- 10/15/2000, 1:12 pm- Re: What am I doing wrong ??
Ross Leidy -- 10/13/2000, 1:47 pm - Re: What am I doing wrong ??
- Re: What am I doing wrong ??