Boat Building Forum

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Walrus Construction Update (link) :)
By:Roger Nuffer
Date: 10/19/2000, 3:24 am

I took a week off work and headed for the shop. Here�s my results.

I basically have the frame complete on my Walrus with a few pieces still to construct. The deck beams, deck stringers floor and cockpit are at this point either screwed in place or just set in place. I�ll need to take them apart epoxy the joints and reassemble the boat. I also still have some epoxy coating to do.

The front cockpit deck beam had to be reconstructed from scratch. The first one made getting into and out of the kayak a little too tight. Where I work, it would have qualified for a confined spaces permit.

The epoxy coating worked out well. Some areas are receiving a second coat. The first coating took about 6 hours to apply. I used Raka epoxy with the slow hardener. I was trying to buy as much time as possible to apply the epoxy since it is a slow and tedious process. I have applied about 30 oz of epoxy to the boat.

Currently, the boat weighs in at 19 pounds. Considering the length and oversized stringers, I�m very happy with the weight. The entire frame is of western red cedar with the following exceptions: the 2 deck beams which the cockpit attach to are cherry, The cockpit cowling is okume plywood.

Speaking of the cockpit, it is a modified guillemot design from Nick�s book.

The link below takes you to the latest pics.


PS The goofy looking guy sitting in the kayak is me. What can I say. At least the kayak is photogenic.

Messages In This Thread

Walrus Construction Update (link) :)
Roger Nuffer -- 10/19/2000, 3:24 am
Re: Walrus Construction Update (link) :)
Rehd -- 10/19/2000, 5:12 pm
Re: Walrus Construction Update (link) :)
Roger Nuffer -- 10/20/2000, 1:49 am
Re: Walrus Construction Update (link) :)
Bill Price -- 10/19/2000, 1:23 pm
Re: Walrus Footbraces, Skin, Etc...
Mike Hanks -- 10/20/2000, 3:31 am
Re: Schade rests
Don Beale -- 10/20/2000, 1:57 am
Re: Schade rests
Bill Price -- 10/20/2000, 2:47 am
Re: Schade rests
Don Beale -- 10/20/2000, 12:38 pm
Re: Schade rests
Bill Price -- 10/20/2000, 4:30 pm
Re: Schade rests
Don Beale -- 10/20/2000, 6:29 pm
Schade rest modifications *Pic*
Bill Price -- 10/20/2000, 8:11 pm
Re: Schade rest modifications
Don Beale -- 10/20/2000, 9:03 pm
Re: Walrus Construction Update (link) :)
Roger Nuffer -- 10/20/2000, 1:41 am