Boat Building Forum

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Re: 3rd weekend in August?
By:Shawn Baker
Date: 10/27/2000, 4:46 pm
In Response To: R2K+1...?? (Rehd)

Hey Rehd,

Last year, it was the 3rd weekend in August (if I remember correctly). This year, it was the 3rd weekend in August. It's a Redfish-kayaks organized event, so I'd wait to see what Joe says, and when Ft. Worden is available, but I'd guess it will be the 3rd weekend in August.


: Reason being: Where I work, we have to choose our vacations for next year by
: the last week of Nov. or First week of Dec. this year. Any definite dates
: or even good educated guesses? If I'm a week off, I can probably trade
: someone in the office, but, would like to get it all settled soon. I'm
: planning on taking at least two boats up there and meeting ya'll. Thanks
: for any help.

: Rehd

Messages In This Thread

Rehd -- 10/27/2000, 2:19 pm
Re: 3rd weekend in August?
Shawn Baker -- 10/27/2000, 4:46 pm