Date: 10/30/2000, 9:46 pm

Are these boats you built? Do you live near Monterey? If so, I'd love to come by and check out the boats. That goes for anyone else building wooden boats near Santa Cruz.
: The photo is of two dudes on a seriously rocky beach at dawn (I guess) near
: Monterey, CA. One dude is carrying the Panache over his shoulder and
: holding a paddle while the other dude is looking out over the water. My
: boat is on the sand with the paddle over the cockpit.
: The copy says...
: "Is it possible to wake too early? Climb to high? Explore too far?
: These are the moments we live for: the perfect challenge, the perfect time,
: the perfect place. Out here where the pounding of the surf is the only
: thing louder than the pounding of your heart. These are the secluded
: beaches, the snow-swept mountains and the back-road hideouts we had in
: mind when we designed the perfectly amazing, practically unstoppable
: LX470. Because the best places in the world don't have their own
: off-ramps."
: There is NO Lexus vehicle in site in either photos.
: jim gabriel
Did you write the copy or did you just relate to it? I was just curious why you included it here. I'd go get a brochure just to cut out the photo, but the last thing I need or want is a Lexus ;-)
Messages In This Thread
- My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure
Jim Gabriel -- 10/30/2000, 8:00 pm- Re: My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure
Mike -- 11/1/2000, 9:20 pm- Re: My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure
Jim Gabriel -- 11/2/2000, 1:08 am
- Re: My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 11/1/2000, 9:41 am- Continuing Usage
mike allen ---> -- 10/31/2000, 6:13 pm- Re: My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure
Shawn Baker -- 10/31/2000, 11:20 am- Re: My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure
Jim Gabriel -- 10/31/2000, 3:39 pm
- Re: My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure
Don Beale -- 10/31/2000, 10:04 am- Re: My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure
Jim Gabriel -- 10/31/2000, 3:42 pm- Re: Dudes
Shawn Baker -- 10/31/2000, 5:56 pm
- Re: Dudes
- Re: My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure
Mark Woodhead -- 10/30/2000, 9:46 pm - Re: My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure
- Re: My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure