Date: 10/31/2000, 10:04 am

Cool! Did you know it when they were taking the pix? And who are the dudes?
: The next time you're in a Lexus dealership, pickup a brochure for their 2001
: Lexus LX. My "Coastal", along with a Laughing Loon Panache built
: by Keith Davis is on the front page of the brochure.
: The photo is dark, so it is kind-of hard to see my boat on the beach, but my
: Aleutian paddle sticks out like a sore thumb.
: The photo is of two dudes on a seriously rocky beach at dawn (I guess) near
: Monterey, CA. One dude is carrying the Panache over his shoulder and
: holding a paddle while the other dude is looking out over the water. My
: boat is on the sand with the paddle over the cockpit.
: On the inside cover, there is a photo of a guy leaning into the water and
: bracing. The camera is on the foredeck and behind the paddler is the
: beach, so I can only conclude, he just punched a small wave.
: The copy says...
: "Is it possible to wake too early? Climb to high? Explore too far?
: These are the moments we live for: the perfect challenge, the perfect time,
: the perfect place. Out here where the pounding of the surf is the only
: thing louder than the pounding of your heart. These are the secluded
: beaches, the snow-swept mountains and the back-road hideouts we had in
: mind when we designed the perfectly amazing, practically unstoppable
: LX470. Because the best places in the world don't have their own
: off-ramps."
: There is NO Lexus vehicle in site in either photos.
: jim gabriel
Messages In This Thread
- My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure
Jim Gabriel -- 10/30/2000, 8:00 pm- Re: My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure
Mike -- 11/1/2000, 9:20 pm- Re: My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure
Jim Gabriel -- 11/2/2000, 1:08 am
- Re: My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 11/1/2000, 9:41 am- Continuing Usage
mike allen ---> -- 10/31/2000, 6:13 pm- Re: My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure
Shawn Baker -- 10/31/2000, 11:20 am- Re: My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure
Jim Gabriel -- 10/31/2000, 3:39 pm
- Re: My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure
Don Beale -- 10/31/2000, 10:04 am- Re: My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure
Jim Gabriel -- 10/31/2000, 3:42 pm- Re: Dudes
Shawn Baker -- 10/31/2000, 5:56 pm
- Re: Dudes
- Re: My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure
Mark Woodhead -- 10/30/2000, 9:46 pm - Re: My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure
- Re: My "Coastal" in Lexus SUV brochure