Date: 11/2/2000, 4:15 am
Hi Mark,
: I've considered how much water actually
: ends up in the cockpit.
This is the exact reason I moved the bulkhead in my Arluk III. I moved it back over 10 inches, eliminating the excess water problem and increasing the size of the front hatch.
: I plan on filling some of the dead space (a la Peter Carter's comments) by
: adding some closed cell foam but I think the big difference would be to
: reposition the bulkhead!!!
Yes, repositioning would be better because you are gaining this space in the front hatch.
: Any thoughts?? - I'm considering
: 1. cutting out all but a 1/2" rim of the bulkhead out.
I cut out my bulkhead with a hacksaw blade. It was a foam bulkhead and only took a couple of minutes but getting the last little bit and the adhesive used by the manufacturer was the hardest part of the whole job. You could use a small reciprocating saw but you would need to protect the hull from the blade with a piece of sheet metal while cutting.
: 2. trash it and rip it out?
No don't!
: 3. try heating it up with a torch to soften it and then take it out in pieces
This will not work around the edges as you run the risk of overheating the hull at the same time. I would stick with the cutting and sanding/grinding.
: - Then - I get the challenge of fitting in a new bulkhead (I'll use 1/4"
: ply again -- I don't trust foam to stay in place and I wouldn't be able to
: mount my foot pump.
I can assure you that the foam will inded stay in place. However, with a foot pump, wood is probably your best bet.
When I built my new bulk head it only took a few minutes. I used two pieces of cardboard as a template. I put 4 marks on the inside of the hull where I wanted the ne bulkhead. On in the middle at the top, in the middle at the bottom, at the sheer line on each side. I measured the width between the marks on the sides and then transfered this to the bottom of one piece of cardboard. then I did a rough cut and slid it inside, This piece is for the top so I put the bottom of it on the two side marks, marked the top center point and drew the top hull shape. I cut, trimmed and fitted the piece until it fit the top, from the sheer lines up keeping the center mark on the template aligned with the center mark at the top of the hull.
Then I did the same with the other piece of cardboard for the bottom. Once I had the pieces fitting nicely, I measured from the top center to the bottom center and put the two pieces together until this height was right and then taped them together. A quick test fit required no adjustments and I had my template.
I think I spent about 20 minutes on this. I then transfered this pattern to a piece of mini-cell foam and cut it out. I tapered the 3 inch foam to fit the shape of the hull and then installed the new bulkhead with a urethane adhesive. I then sealed it on the cockpit and hatch sides with a urethane seam sealer.
I tested for leaks and re-installed the foot braces which I had to move back along with the bulkhead. I re attached the rudder cables and went paddling.
This whole job took me about 1 1/2 hours (two coffee breaks and a lunch break).
Hope this will help you,
Messages In This Thread
- Moving a bulkhead *Pic*
Mark -- 11/1/2000, 10:59 pm- add, don't move
Paul G. Jacobson -- 11/2/2000, 9:00 pm - Thanks for all the responses
Mark -- 11/2/2000, 3:12 pm - Re: Moving a bulkhead
Jack Martin -- 11/2/2000, 2:14 pm - Re: Moving a bulkhead
David Dick -- 11/2/2000, 8:01 am- Re: Moving a bulkhead
Shawn Baker -- 11/3/2000, 11:39 am - Re: Moving a bulkhead
Bob Deutsch -- 11/2/2000, 6:22 pm
- Re: Moving a bulkhead
- Re: Moving a bulkhead
Ian Johnston -- 11/2/2000, 4:15 am- Simple Inside Templates
mike allen ---> -- 11/2/2000, 4:05 pm- Simple Inside Templates *Pic*
Joe Greenley -- 11/2/2000, 11:36 pm- What? Interior String Lines????
mike allen ---> -- 11/3/2000, 12:55 pm- DUH! Simpler Outside
mike allen ---> -- 11/3/2000, 4:52 pm- Re:Simple and Elegant solution
Shawn Baker -- 11/3/2000, 5:59 pm
- Re:Simple and Elegant solution
- Re: What? Interior String Lines????
Joe Greenley -- 11/3/2000, 2:04 pm- Ratz, misread the tea leaves!
mike allen ---> -- 11/3/2000, 2:35 pm
- Ratz, misread the tea leaves!
- DUH! Simpler Outside
- What? Interior String Lines????
- Re: Simple Inside Templates
Ian Johnston -- 11/2/2000, 10:12 pm- Necky Nightmares
Brian Nystrom -- 11/3/2000, 10:56 am
- Necky Nightmares
- Simple Inside Templates *Pic*
- Simple Inside Templates
- Re: Moving a bulkhead
Shawn Baker -- 11/1/2000, 11:18 pm- Re: Moving a bulkhead
Mark -- 11/3/2000, 11:18 pm
- Re: Moving a bulkhead
- related question -- move seat?
Mark -- 11/1/2000, 11:02 pm- Re: related question -- move seat?
Brian Nystrom -- 11/2/2000, 11:38 am- Re: related question -- move seat?
Dave Houser -- 11/2/2000, 3:00 pm
- Re: related question -- move seat?
- Re: related question -- move seat?
- add, don't move