Boat Building Forum

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Re: legs that fall asleep
By:Jay Babina
Date: 11/9/2000, 9:37 am
In Response To: legs that fall asleep (Ron Wiebe)

There's a saying "there's a seat for every chair" Unfortunately it has to agree with you. Many paddlers rectify this problem by making a seat that angles up the same way legs go rather than a flat type of seat. If you had a seat that was three feet long and supported you thighs from your butt forward like a strato lounge, your legs would never fall asleap. Most of the time it's because the seat is flat, and short with no upward angle supporting the thighs. It puts pressure on the lower butt area which cuts off the circulation. You'll have to experiment a bit. Also... new paddlers are more prone to this because the fine muscles in their legs and butt have not developed and become conditioned to the paddling position or sport in general.

Messages In This Thread

legs that fall asleep
Ron Wiebe -- 11/8/2000, 9:26 pm
Re: legs that fall asleep
George -- 11/17/2000, 6:48 pm
Re: legs that fall asleep- one solution
Kathy Garlinghouse -- 11/15/2000, 8:42 pm
here's the solution for your troubles
Erez -- 11/9/2000, 5:13 pm
Re: legs that fall asleep
Berkeley C. -- 11/9/2000, 3:46 pm
Re: And I thought it was Ginger Ale in my pants
Pete Strand -- 11/9/2000, 4:15 pm
Re: legs that fall asleep
Jay Babina -- 11/9/2000, 9:37 am
Re: legs that fall asleep
peter czerpak -- 11/9/2000, 8:13 am
Re: legs that fall asleep
Jim P. -- 11/9/2000, 7:58 am
Re: legs that fall asleep
.tim -- 11/9/2000, 6:53 am