Date: 11/20/2000, 10:07 pm
: Hi All;
: Perhaps I don't have the technique down as yet, but my initial reaction to
: seats carved from Minicell foam is "OK, but there must be a better
: alternative." At this moment my feeling is that a seat carved from
: Minicell is standoff acceptable. That is to say, I don't believe
: they measure up to the quality of the strippers we are building, but look
: OK from a distance. They are probably comfortable as heck, but my first
: impression is that they don't look particularly finished, and will
: probably deteriorate further rather quickly.
: Suffice to say I obtained my foam from one of our favorite designer/builders
: on this bbs, and I'm sure it's near the zenith of what's available. It
: carved excellently, and looks pretty darn good at standard picture taking
: distance. You can see the first stages of a "Greenley-styled"
: seat begun with this foam in the pic at the bottom.
: My concern is the fact that producing a nice surface finish on the carved
: areas seems near impossible. Further, the surface seems very susceptible
: to damage. Paraphrasing Vaclav from his website, "Stick with the
: factory produced surfaces only, you'll never make anything as nice."
: At this time I tend to agree that the factory produced surface
: "crust" is not duplicable.
: The problems I note are that sandpaper, used slowly by hand, will
: inexplicably tear the surface and generate new flaws as I am slowly
: correcting old tears. I prepare the sandpaper by working it for 20 minutes
: or so to make it like a piece of soft cloth. If I do not, the stiff edges
: will slice the Minicell mercilessly, requiring major resanding. I then
: sand in only one direction, because if I were to sand back and forth, the
: foam balls and produces deep holes. After working an area to reasonable
: smoothness, a pull of the paper will suddenly produce a series of gouges
: that set me back 2 sanding stages. Exasperating to say the least!
: My feeling is a button on a swimsuit (or even a seam) could produce lots of
: tears & craters in the foam and make it rather ugly(er) in a single
: outing. In recent weeks and months we've sparingly discussed contact
: cementing cloth to the foam, or the use of a rubberized seal to Minicell
: to give it a sturdier surface. Today I investigated the availability of
: the rubber tool grip dip in spray form as had been reported earlier, and
: could not find it. In its standard form, it seems too viscous to apply
: with a brush or roller in a controlled fashion. There is a vinyl spray
: that produces a flexible skin, and I have a sample piece of Minicell in
: the garage sprayed with several coats & drying at the moment. Lastly
: are the elasomeric roof paints that dry to a rubbery suface, and are
: recommended for application over foam (and are sun-proof as well).
: Any comments, recommendations, experiences, etc. are truly appreciated. I
: will fully report on any tests I do (such as the flexible vinyl spray),
: and encourage any and all thoughts.
: Best Regards, Spidey
Hi Spidey,I carved my first foam seat 3 years ago and had intended to cover it with speaker grill cloth which will stretch in all directions without the need of darts. I got lazy and never did cover it. After 3 years of pretty hard use, it is still in great shape. There are no digs or cuts at all. The surface has become smoother. I may try the speaker grill cloth just to change the look. If you want to try the cloth, I have plenty.
I carved my seat to a 3/8" thickness at the lowest point and it has worked out well for me. Try your 3/4" thickness for awhile before adding a permanent cover.
Larry C.
Messages In This Thread
- Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats? *Pic*
Spidey -- 11/19/2000, 10:04 pm- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
Kathy Garlinghouse -- 11/21/2000, 1:20 am- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
Spidey -- 11/21/2000, 11:42 pm
- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
Larry C. -- 11/20/2000, 10:07 pm- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
Spidey -- 11/20/2000, 10:29 pm- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
Ken Rasmussen -- 11/21/2000, 12:50 am- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
Larry C. -- 11/21/2000, 12:17 pm- Re: Ken's article
Shawn Baker -- 11/21/2000, 8:58 pm
- Re: Ken's article
- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
- Re: Seat Shape *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 11/20/2000, 2:58 pm- Re: Shawn + Nick
Spidey -- 11/20/2000, 7:46 pm- Re: Sounds like you've got it.
Shawn Baker -- 11/21/2000, 11:16 am- Re: Sounds like you've got it.
Spidey -- 11/21/2000, 12:30 pm
- Let's Try This Again
S, N, & E
Spidey -- 11/20/2000, 8:06 pm- Re: Let's Try This Again
S, N, & E
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 11/21/2000, 10:21 am- Re: Seat Dimensions *Pic*
Joe Greenley -- 11/20/2000, 9:20 pm- Re: Seat Dimensions
Spidey -- 11/20/2000, 9:49 pm
- Re: Seat shape
Mike Hanks -- 11/20/2000, 8:43 pm- Re: Seat shape
Spidey -- 11/20/2000, 10:04 pm- Re: Seat shape
Richard Boyle -- 11/20/2000, 10:38 pm- Re: Seat shape
Spidey -- 11/20/2000, 11:04 pm
- Re: Seat shape
- Re: Seat shape
- Re: Seat Dimensions *Pic*
- Re: Sounds like you've got it.
- Re: Seat Shape
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 11/20/2000, 5:00 pm- Re: Seat Shape
eric schade (shearwater boats) -- 11/20/2000, 6:05 pm- Re: Wedge
Shawn Baker -- 11/20/2000, 5:56 pm- Me too!
Kent LeBoutillier -- 11/21/2000, 6:20 am
- Re: Wedge
- Re: Sounds like you've got it.
- You can cover it in lycra.
.tim -- 11/20/2000, 1:01 pm- Re: You can cover it in lycra.
Spidey -- 11/20/2000, 8:13 pm
- Burn it! ; )
Jerry Siegel -- 11/20/2000, 11:28 am- Re: I Did!
Spidey -- 11/20/2000, 1:40 pm- Can you sand it and coat again?
Brian Nystrom -- 11/21/2000, 12:45 pm- Re: Can you sand it and coat again?
Spidey -- 11/21/2000, 12:57 pm- Re: Can you sand it and coat again?
Jim Goecks -- 11/21/2000, 1:45 pm
- Re: Can you sand it and coat again?
- Re: Can you sand it and coat again?
- Re: Burn it! ; )
Spidey -- 11/20/2000, 12:09 pm - Can you sand it and coat again?
- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
Chris Casazza -- 11/20/2000, 11:19 am- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
Spidey -- 11/20/2000, 12:00 pm- Another thought on fiberglass lay-up
Jim Eisenmenger -- 11/20/2000, 4:51 pm- Re: Another thought on fiberglass lay-up
Spidey -- 11/20/2000, 10:14 pm- Re: Another thought on fiberglass lay-up
peter czerpak -- 11/21/2000, 8:28 am- Re: Another thought on fiberglass lay-up
Jim Eisenmenger -- 11/21/2000, 8:03 am - Re: Another thought on fiberglass lay-up
- Re: Another thought on fiberglass lay-up
- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
Chris Casazza -- 11/20/2000, 12:08 pm - Re: Another thought on fiberglass lay-up
- Another thought on fiberglass lay-up
- Re: spray-on rubber coating
Dave E -- 11/20/2000, 10:22 am- Re: spray-on rubber coating
Spidey -- 11/20/2000, 11:46 am
- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
Gini L. -- 11/19/2000, 11:44 pm- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
Spidey -- 11/20/2000, 12:09 am- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 11/20/2000, 9:39 am- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
Gini L. -- 11/20/2000, 10:58 pm- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
Spidey -- 11/20/2000, 1:32 pm- Vinyl?
Tom Tieman -- 11/20/2000, 6:24 pm
- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
Grant Glazer -- 11/20/2000, 12:32 pm - Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
John Monfoe -- 11/20/2000, 4:24 am- Re: Buoyancy
Shawn Baker -- 11/20/2000, 3:07 pm
- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?
- Re: Can We Discuss Carved Minicell Seats?