Date: 11/24/2000, 1:17 am
be sure to have two people so one
: can managage the cloth and keep it from sticking to itself, while you
: stretch and apply the cloth working out any would-be wrinkles. I doubt I
: could have succeeded without my wife's pair of hands!
: Good Luck, Spidey
How about stap.. attaching the lycra to a frame, larger than the seat, spray
the foam, set the frame over the seat, and sit down with a cuppa coffee and
Nick's book. (thus encouraging the lycra to conform to the eventual resting
place) How many chapters, and how large a cuppa coffee (thermos?) would it
take in time to get proper adhesion to the seat? Maybe lay some saran wrap on
top of the lycra/frame so that you would be free to persue other activities
after the required time had passed? (release mechanism) TNX, Scotty
Messages In This Thread
- Carved Minicell Seat WE Designed
Spidey -- 11/21/2000, 8:57 pm- Now, that is a SEAT! *NM*
David Hanson -- 11/27/2000, 2:38 pm- How'd You Adhere the Lycra?
Gini L. -- 11/23/2000, 2:44 pm- Re: How'd You Adhere the Lycra?
Spidey -- 11/23/2000, 3:48 pm- Re: Stretch it on a frame...?
Scotty -- 11/24/2000, 1:17 am
- Re: Stretch it on a frame...?
- Re: Carved Minicell Seat WE Designed
Chris Menard -- 11/22/2000, 12:50 pm- NICE WORK KEN (NT) *NM*
JIM MC COOL -- 11/22/2000, 10:54 am- Re: Carved Minicell Seat WE Designed
John Monfoe -- 11/22/2000, 5:09 am- Re: Oh sure, now you tell me.....O.T.
Rehd -- 11/22/2000, 11:36 am
- Re: Carved Minicell Seat WE Designed
Kathea Rasmussen -- 11/21/2000, 11:05 pm- Re: Carved Minicell Seat WE Designed
Kathea Rasmussen -- 11/21/2000, 11:49 pm- Re: Carved Minicell Seat *Pic*
Kathea Rasmussen -- 11/22/2000, 10:40 am- Sorry, no picture because...
Jerry K -- 11/22/2000, 12:54 am - Sorry, no picture because...
- Re: Carved Minicell Seat *Pic*
- How'd You Adhere the Lycra?
- Now, that is a SEAT! *NM*