small downwind sail for sit on top
By:bob burton
Date: 12/27/2000, 10:16 pm
Date: 12/27/2000, 10:16 pm
looking to build a small downwind sail for my sit on top kayak-basically to get across the bay or lake-
does anyone have a source for clear mylar suitable
or a similar material. Also any thoughts on what
could be used as a mast-and attachment to the top
of the kayak. I can find little info on the subject
anything would help---thanks bob burton
Messages In This Thread
- small downwind sail for sit on top
bob burton -- 12/27/2000, 10:16 pm- These are the simplest *Pic*
Brian T. Cunningham -- 12/29/2000, 9:30 am - Re: small downwind sail for sit on top
Tapio Manner -- 12/28/2000, 4:34 am - Re: small downwind sail for sit on top
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/27/2000, 11:48 pm- Re: small downwind sail for sit on top
Scotty -- 12/28/2000, 1:19 am
- Re: small downwind sail for sit on top
- These are the simplest *Pic*