By:Gini L.
Date: 1/3/2001, 11:08 am
Date: 1/3/2001, 11:08 am
In Response To: Winter Varnishing (BruceK)
Most of the lead varnish companies make accelerators. My understanding is that their purpose is to speed up drying time in cold weather. I don't think it changes consistency in the application. I've never used them, though. Was wondering if anyone has. I may call or email a couple of the companies to ask about cold weather options. But it would be nice to hear from someone with first hand experience with varnish accelerators, if anyone has it to offer.
Messages In This Thread
- Winter Varnishing
BruceK -- 1/2/2001, 10:10 pm- Re: Winter Varnishing
Bruce H. -- 1/3/2001, 6:05 pm - Accelerator?
Gini L. -- 1/3/2001, 11:08 am - Re: Winter Varnishing
Ken Finger -- 1/3/2001, 7:21 am - Re: Winter Varnishing
Mike -- 1/2/2001, 10:15 pm
- Re: Winter Varnishing