Date: 1/8/2001, 12:21 am
: Ok, now I've got the book and a set of plans to build a Guillemot. I have
: been looking around but have not had much luck locating any cedar other
: than fence picketts locally. Anybody know of a good source either local or
: willing to ship. I plan on milling my own strips to save a few $.
: I got to spend a few days touring in a plastic boat on Canyon Lake, AZ. I
: liked not having to carry the camping gear in my backpack. Next step --
: lumber aquisition and form cutting.
: Greg
So Greg
Where is it written that your Arizona kayak has to be Cedar? Com-on buddy, help us poor folk out California way and make us a little wealthier. By some Red-wood or Pine. Or Both. Good contrast in color for patterns. I'm sure you will find plenty of redwood available for decks as well. Not THAT much difference in the three. A few ozs.( cut it thinner ), a little harder to bend ( build a steamer ), and doesn't smell like a blanket chest when you're done.( O.K. two outta three ain't bad )
When lookin' for the redwood, ask about "B" grade. It comes with both heart and sap wood. Red with white blotches. Kinda-Sorta like those fuzzy Cow slippers everyone got for Christmas that they're not talkin about.
Just because all these "stick in the muds" think a boat has to be made outta cedar, doesn't make it so. Take a look; give it a try. Food for Thought!
Messages In This Thread
- Cedar source in Arizona or shippable?
Greg Morse -- 1/6/2001, 9:07 pm- Re: Cedar source in Arizona or shippable?
Robert Palmeter -- 1/10/2001, 5:19 pm- Re: Cedar source in Arizona or shippable?
Nelson Ranney -- 1/8/2001, 5:54 pm- Re: Cedar source in Arizona or shippable?
Rehd -- 1/8/2001, 12:21 am- Re: Cedar source in Arizona or shippable?
Greg Morse -- 1/8/2001, 6:20 pm
- Re: Cedar source in Arizona or shippable?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/7/2001, 11:17 pm- Re: Cedar source in Arizona or shippable?
Ben Staley -- 1/7/2001, 12:15 am - Re: Cedar source in Arizona or shippable?
- Re: Cedar source in Arizona or shippable?