Date: 1/16/2001, 10:05 am
The global right answer answer to any such question is always to agree that reaching for the universal constant... duct tape is best. Yes astronomers will some day in
thenear future, find that duct tape, is indeed the dark matter that provides the gravitational pull that holds the universe together. However, in this case, I am going to
suggest that duct tape is not the answer. I know, I feel the sacrilege too.
I sat in on Rob Mack's staplel-ess construction talk at Rendezvous, and immediately learned why my first staple-less efforts weren't working. I recommend catching
that demonstration if he ever does it again. Thank you in bunches Rob if your listening.
I had taped my forms and started gluing up strips and what a headache. Every time, I applied hot glue to the inside of a strip the tape warmed and separated from
the form taking the strip with it. Good bye shape. From my perspective, there are times when it would be nice to glue a strip to a form. By that logic tape and wax
won't work. Leaving Shellac.
Rob Mack doesn't have that problem because he hot glues a line over the out side of his strips, and in his demo he never hot glued anything directly to the form.
He used two screws through the strips into the form stations to hold his first strips on each side and worked form there.
Lesson: hot glue to the outside, and it doesn't really matter what you use inside. As long as your not hot gluing to the forms, duct tape or wax will work. (Whew
perhaps the duct tape God's will let me adhere to life for one more day.) However, given the experience of separating duct tape, and I am a true duct tape addict....
I have sort of become a believer in shellac. Reason: I still like to be able to hot tack something to the form once in a while.
While I am giving up taping forms, I have found that duct tape is a great way to hold several staple-less strips together while they dry. As it bends over the curve of
the boat and back to the sheer strip it helps pull groupings strips into the forms.
and there in lies the lesson. Duct tape is not the form of the universe but that which pulls matter to where it needs to be and holds it. Thus, even in this age of reason, we still have reason to beleive in the Great grey roll.
Hope it works for ya
Messages In This Thread
- Tape, wax, shellac ? What's best for form edges?
Andy Miller -- 1/15/2001, 12:28 pm- From The Astrometric Duct Tape Research Council
Russ -- 1/16/2001, 10:05 am - Re: We may be missing the point
Spidey -- 1/15/2001, 9:53 pm - Re: Tape, wax, shellac ? What's best for form edge
steve pollack -- 1/15/2001, 8:17 pm - Try this experiment and let us know
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/15/2001, 5:48 pm- Re: "Stick" it does
Spidey -- 1/15/2001, 9:37 pm
- Re: "Stick" it does
- Re: Tape, wax, shellac ? What's best for form edge
Ross Leidy -- 1/15/2001, 1:47 pm - Re: Tape, wax, shellac ? What's best for form edge
Spidey -- 1/15/2001, 12:50 pm
- From The Astrometric Duct Tape Research Council