Sketches for a flanged 3 part Guillemot version
Date: 1/17/2001, 1:41 pm
Date: 1/17/2001, 1:41 pm
Hi guys!
It's been a while since my last message. I had some serious problems with the epoxi resin coating and my first Guillemot finished her days feeding a New year's eve fire.
I'll build a new one. This time, I need to cut it in three parts (stern, stem and copckit).
Do you have sketches, ideas, pics or related URL's referred to wooden connection flanges for joining these three parts on site?
Thanks in advance
Messages In This Thread
- Sketches for a flanged 3 part Guillemot version
Marcelo -- 1/17/2001, 1:41 pm- was the answer
Marcelo -- 1/19/2001, 3:53 pm- Re: Try this month's Wavelength Magazine
Shawn Baker -- 1/18/2001, 4:37 pm- Re:No Need for sketches
Rehd -- 1/18/2001, 12:38 am- Re: Sketches for a flanged 3 part Guillemot versio
Erez -- 1/17/2001, 3:28 pm- Re: Sketches for a flanged 3 part Guillemot versio
David Dick -- 1/17/2001, 3:00 pm - Re: Try this month's Wavelength Magazine
- was the answer