Date: 1/20/2001, 6:01 am
: As usual Rehd, a real professional job! Better draw up some plans before they
: start asking.
Hey, do you really think they will want plans? How much $$$$$
: Ha! Should read "faintly ressembles" mine :-) You have made it much
: more robust. Very impressive.
I'm just trying to get rid of about 20 years of scrap plywood that's been laying around. Part of the plan to clean out the garage and move the StrongBench out there for the Great Auk. And, so I can finish up the remodel in here.
I just threw mine together in a minimalist
: fashion. Now, if you only had power down there to run it :-) '
Hey, whatdaya mean by that. I have power, between 11:45 and 2:30 and between 6:15 and 8:00. I just have to get off work in time to use some of it. The rolling black-outs are a real thrill. The other morning, the power went off downtown where our mail is sorted and the shut-downs last 2 1/2 hours, so we all got our mail late and left the office late. Then when we got back, the power was shut down at our office and we had to stumble around in the dark and find our cases and put things away. Love it!!
: Ahh, come on Rehd, tell us the Bazooka/Home Depot story. That was a good one
: :-)
Did it! Thanks for reminding me.
: Bill
Bye for Now, Rehd
Messages In This Thread
- Rehd's Steamer
Rehd -- 1/19/2001, 5:50 pm- Re: Rehd's Steamer
Steve -- 1/21/2001, 8:15 am- Re: Rehd's Steamer
Grant Goltz -- 1/20/2001, 11:44 pm- Re: Rehd's Steamer
Rehd -- 1/21/2001, 1:23 am- Re: Was talking about the steamer, not you
Grant Goltz -- 1/21/2001, 12:14 pm- Re: OH !!
Rehd -- 1/21/2001, 5:11 pm
- Re: OH !!
- Re: Was talking about the steamer, not you
- Re: Ahhh, now where's my Mamas & Papas LPs *NM*
George Cushing -- 1/20/2001, 10:52 am- Re: Rehd's "improved" Steamer
Bill Price -- 1/20/2001, 2:24 am- Re: Rehd's "improved" Steamer
Rehd -- 1/20/2001, 6:01 am
- Re: Rehd's Steamer
Bob Newton -- 1/19/2001, 9:12 pm - Re: Rehd's Steamer
- Re: Rehd's Steamer