Re: Got mine, too
By:Grant Goltz
Date: 1/20/2001, 10:13 pm
Date: 1/20/2001, 10:13 pm
In Response To: Received Habor Freight Scraper Yesterday (Dwight)
: I ordered the scraper Spidey posted last week from Harbor Freight. The
: straight blades are razor sharp but the half moon shaped blade is dull,
: like it was not sharpened. Is this a defect or by design?
: Dwight
Hi Dwight, Got mine Thursday (2 sets). The sharpness of the blades on mine varies a fair amount. Don't let it worry you. You will normally need to sharpen them quite often, anyhow, so the initial lessons will be good practice . BTW, I saw essentially the same set (slightly different blade shapes that attach with 2 screws) for $30 in the Twin Cities today.
Messages In This Thread
- Received Habor Freight Scraper Yesterday
Dwight -- 1/20/2001, 4:51 pm- Whewww!
Spidey -- 1/22/2001, 12:37 am- Re: Got mine, too
Grant Goltz -- 1/20/2001, 10:13 pm- Re: Got mine, too
John Monfoe -- 1/21/2001, 1:59 am
- Re: Received Habor Freight Scraper Yesterday
Dave Houser -- 1/20/2001, 9:49 pm- Re: Received Habor Freight Scraper Yesterday
Dave Houser -- 1/20/2001, 9:47 pm - Re: Got mine, too
- Whewww!