Date: 1/24/2001, 1:42 am
: www.sawstop.com is the site for it
I agree with Spidey on the Video being really Kool!
There are two, count them,........2 big flaws with this system. And I haven't got my glasses on or I could probably count more.
# 1) The article, as far as I read or from the video, never mentioned that Very Few of the accidents that happen on the table saw happen by someone slowly sliding their hand into the blade for the camera!!! Probably 90%, (and anyone that knows for sure can jump in with a figure), of the accidents with the table saw happen through either KICKBACKS or Pushing the material with your weight behind it ( whether it be because of a dull blade, of poor setting on the fence ) and slipping and sliding the hand into the blade at a very fast pace. Kickbacks happen at an incredible speed and come back across the blade so fast that you don't even see it happen. Faster than it stopped on that video. The device would stop the blade in time to see the blood spray all over the table.
# 2) And mind you, this one is the worst problem I could see and one that about 75% of the saw users would fall into. Anytime someone advertises something like this ( gimmick ) people will rush out and buy it and all of a sudden, they are protected from " MOST if not ALL " accidents on the machine. A false sense of security will cut off more fingers than anything else.
Before ordering or useing anything like this make sure it is tested properly and will cover the situations that really cause these accidents. I would like to see them perform a kickback with the Hot Dog holding the Hot Dog over the wood and see if it stops in time under those conditions. That's when I just might be sold on it's abilities. NOT UNTIL THEN!!
I would HIGHLY recommend much further testing before I paid a nickle to put it on MY tools. I get enough FALSE SECURITY from my years of use of these tools; I don't need someone elses "gimmick" to help me along.
Of course, as always, this is just my NOT SO HUMBLE opinion.
For what it's worth!
Messages In This Thread
- Dimensioning the thumb.... ouch!
Malcolm Schweizer -- 1/21/2001, 5:39 am- Dimensioning Hand
Steve -- 1/25/2001, 11:48 am- Re: Power feed *Pic*
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 1/24/2001, 9:47 am- Re: Power feed
daren -- 1/24/2001, 8:31 pm- Re: Power feed
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 1/25/2001, 10:30 am- Re: Power feed
Rehd -- 1/24/2001, 9:09 pm - Re: Power feed
- Re: Power feed
- biscuit joiners also eat meat
Don Bowen -- 1/23/2001, 6:48 pm- Re: biscuit joiners also eat meat
daren -- 1/23/2001, 9:25 pm- new safety technology
redhush -- 1/23/2001, 11:27 pm- Re: new safety technology
Geo. Cushing -- 1/24/2001, 4:55 pm- Re: new safety technology
redhush -- 1/23/2001, 11:49 pm- Re: Look Out, it's the Wet Blanket
Rehd -- 1/24/2001, 1:42 am- Re: Cool Video! *NM*
Spidey -- 1/24/2001, 12:08 am - Re: Cool Video! *NM*
- Re: new safety technology
- Re: new safety technology
- new safety technology
- Welcome to the 9 & 7/8 club...
Marcelo -- 1/23/2001, 4:05 pm- Re: Dimensioning the thumb.... ouch!
Lee -- 1/22/2001, 1:04 pm- Re: Dimensioning the thumb.... ouch!
John Monfoe -- 1/22/2001, 6:27 am- Re: I feel your pain
Steve L -- 1/22/2001, 8:43 am- Re: I feel your pain
bob -- 1/22/2001, 10:01 am- Re: I feel your pain
Rob Macks -- 1/22/2001, 9:43 am- Re: I feel your pain
Ed K. -- 1/22/2001, 2:56 pm- pic link
David Hanson -- 1/22/2001, 12:06 pm- Post Pics
David Hanson -- 1/22/2001, 11:33 am- Re: Post Pics *Pic*
Rob Macks -- 1/22/2001, 1:28 pm- Re: Post Pics
David Hanson -- 1/22/2001, 3:11 pm- Re: Post Pics
Rob Macks -- 1/22/2001, 1:32 pm - Re: Post Pics
- Re: Post Pics
- pic link
- Re: I feel your pain
- Re: I feel your pain
- Re: Dimensioning the thumb.... ouch!
Spidey -- 1/22/2001, 12:43 am- Re: Dimensioning the thumb.... ouch!
Malcolm Schweizer -- 1/21/2001, 11:07 pm- Re: Dimensioning the thumb.... ouch!
Bob Deutsch -- 1/21/2001, 10:09 pm- Re: Dimensioning the thumb.... ouch!
bob -- 1/21/2001, 10:00 pm- Re: Dimensioning the thumb.... ouch!
Russ -- 1/21/2001, 9:52 pm- Re: Safety
Ian Johnston -- 1/21/2001, 2:42 pm- Re: Safety
Rehd -- 1/21/2001, 5:02 pm
- Re: Hey Stubby!
George Cushing -- 1/21/2001, 11:13 am- Re: Dimensioning the thumb.... ouch!
Johnnie -- 1/21/2001, 10:58 am - Re: Power feed *Pic*
- Dimensioning Hand