I really don't like tablesaws or any power tool with fast moving sharpened metal for that matter. I have a good healthy fear of the things. Unfortunately, they are much more efficient than the hand powered alternatives. I have partly reduced this fear of power tools with another power tool.
Last summer I bought a power stock feeder for my table saw. A power feed has motorized rubber wheels which push stock through the saw. While it can take a while to set up if you just want to make one cut, it does let you step back while the work gets done. The chances of getting your fingers caught in the meat slicer are much less if you can stand 5 feet away from it. It is a little quicker to set up than a good set of feather boards.
If you are making lots of similar cuts like ripping strips, the machine really comes into its own. I tend to get a little bored pushing a board through the saw. Thinking about anything other than sawing can be dangerous.
The powerfeed also has the advantage of pushing at a constant speed, resulting in more consistent cuts. I also move it to my router table for milling the cove and bead.
If you do a lot of work on your table saw, consider a power stock feeder. It is a real luxury item, but worth while from a safety stand point. If you can't afford one, at least spend the time to set up feather boards whenever you see that you will need to push anywhere near the blade. Also one more word: Push-stick.

Messages In This Thread
- Dimensioning the thumb.... ouch!
Malcolm Schweizer -- 1/21/2001, 5:39 am- Dimensioning Hand
Steve -- 1/25/2001, 11:48 am- Re: Power feed *Pic*
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 1/24/2001, 9:47 am- Re: Power feed
daren -- 1/24/2001, 8:31 pm- Re: Power feed
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 1/25/2001, 10:30 am- Re: Power feed
Rehd -- 1/24/2001, 9:09 pm - Re: Power feed
- Re: Power feed
- biscuit joiners also eat meat
Don Bowen -- 1/23/2001, 6:48 pm- Re: biscuit joiners also eat meat
daren -- 1/23/2001, 9:25 pm- new safety technology
redhush -- 1/23/2001, 11:27 pm- Re: new safety technology
Geo. Cushing -- 1/24/2001, 4:55 pm- Re: new safety technology
redhush -- 1/23/2001, 11:49 pm- Re: Look Out, it's the Wet Blanket
Rehd -- 1/24/2001, 1:42 am- Re: Cool Video! *NM*
Spidey -- 1/24/2001, 12:08 am - Re: Cool Video! *NM*
- Re: new safety technology
- Re: new safety technology
- new safety technology
- Welcome to the 9 & 7/8 club...
Marcelo -- 1/23/2001, 4:05 pm- Re: Dimensioning the thumb.... ouch!
Lee -- 1/22/2001, 1:04 pm- Re: Dimensioning the thumb.... ouch!
John Monfoe -- 1/22/2001, 6:27 am- Re: I feel your pain
Steve L -- 1/22/2001, 8:43 am- Re: I feel your pain
bob -- 1/22/2001, 10:01 am- Re: I feel your pain
Rob Macks -- 1/22/2001, 9:43 am- Re: I feel your pain
Ed K. -- 1/22/2001, 2:56 pm- pic link
David Hanson -- 1/22/2001, 12:06 pm- Post Pics
David Hanson -- 1/22/2001, 11:33 am- Re: Post Pics *Pic*
Rob Macks -- 1/22/2001, 1:28 pm- Re: Post Pics
David Hanson -- 1/22/2001, 3:11 pm- Re: Post Pics
Rob Macks -- 1/22/2001, 1:32 pm - Re: Post Pics
- Re: Post Pics
- pic link
- Re: I feel your pain
- Re: I feel your pain
- Re: Dimensioning the thumb.... ouch!
Spidey -- 1/22/2001, 12:43 am- Re: Dimensioning the thumb.... ouch!
Malcolm Schweizer -- 1/21/2001, 11:07 pm- Re: Dimensioning the thumb.... ouch!
Bob Deutsch -- 1/21/2001, 10:09 pm- Re: Dimensioning the thumb.... ouch!
bob -- 1/21/2001, 10:00 pm- Re: Dimensioning the thumb.... ouch!
Russ -- 1/21/2001, 9:52 pm- Re: Safety
Ian Johnston -- 1/21/2001, 2:42 pm- Re: Safety
Rehd -- 1/21/2001, 5:02 pm
- Re: Hey Stubby!
George Cushing -- 1/21/2001, 11:13 am- Re: Dimensioning the thumb.... ouch!
Johnnie -- 1/21/2001, 10:58 am - Re: Power feed *Pic*
- Dimensioning Hand