Starting on Deck *Pic*
By:John Monfoe
Date: 1/26/2001, 10:09 am
Date: 1/26/2001, 10:09 am
Hi all,
I am just starting to work on the deck of my no name kayak. A really nice fellow from Sweden, who has built 15 kayaks, is trying to help me on a balance area but that is over my head and is probably too late now anyway. I know where the max. buoyancy was suppose to be before I altered three cross sections and that would move it forward a little. I am placing my cockpit area about like the Little Auk and will hope for the best. It's size is a large 2'x3'and will give me a little flexibility for placing the seat. I am plowing ahead on this but I welcome any comments.
Messages In This Thread
- Starting on Deck *Pic*
John Monfoe -- 1/26/2001, 10:09 am- Re: Starting on Deck
Bob Deutsch -- 1/27/2001, 7:10 pm- Re: Starting on Deck
John Monfoe -- 1/28/2001, 5:26 am- Hoosier's Log Hual
Russ -- 1/28/2001, 9:02 am- Re: Hoosier's Log Hual
John Monfoe -- 1/29/2001, 4:47 am
- Re: Hoosier's Log Hual
- Hoosier's Log Hual
- Re: Starting on Deck
Richard Boyle -- 1/27/2001, 12:15 pm- Looking Good, John! *NM*
Steve -- 1/27/2001, 10:17 am- Nice hull
Dale Frolander -- 1/27/2001, 2:43 am- Re: Cardboard Cockpit
John Monfoe -- 1/27/2001, 6:45 am- Re: Nice hull
John Monfoe -- 1/27/2001, 3:48 am - Re: Nice hull
- Re: Starting on Deck
Les Corley -- 1/26/2001, 7:05 pm- wwheeuuuuu! looks good!
brett the hitman hart -- 1/26/2001, 6:53 pm - Re: Starting on Deck
- Re: Starting on Deck