Here is a picture showing the deck lines on a Guillemot I built. This seems to work fairly well.
: Is there a recommended layout for deck lines for a kayak ? I mean grab-lines
: running the length of the boat, paddle-parks and the mechanism behind the
: cockpit for holding one end of the paddle when using a paddle-float.
: I have built a Guillemot, and I have tried adding grab lines along the length
: of the boat each side of the deck. But when the lines are taut they don't
: follow the nice curvature of the boat and look awful. Apart from adding
: fixings every foot or so, is there any other way to do this nicely ?
: Thanks in advance.
: Ed Walshe - Dublin

Messages In This Thread
- Deck lines
Ed Walshe - Dublin -- 1/29/2001, 7:59 am- At the risk of annoying you...
Ed Walshe - Dublin -- 1/29/2001, 6:55 pm- Paddle float harness line ideas
mike allen -- 1/30/2001, 2:12 pm- Re: Paddle float harness line ideas
Ed Walshe - Dublin -- 2/2/2001, 7:14 am- further thoughts
mike allen -- 1/30/2001, 3:50 pm- The 'Milk Harness' . . . .
mike allen -- 2/2/2001, 8:23 pm- refinements and other possibilities
mike allen -- 1/31/2001, 1:37 pm- Mick you truely are a one man thread...keep it up! *NM*
Ben Staley -- 1/31/2001, 2:13 pm
- another idea
mike allen -- 1/30/2001, 6:33 pm- Off the wall idea
mike allen -- 1/31/2001, 3:06 pm
- refinements and other possibilities
- further thoughts
- Re: self-rescue puzzle
Arlen -- 1/30/2001, 12:37 pm- Re: At the risk of annoying you...
tom preska -- 1/30/2001, 9:24 am - Re: Paddle float harness line ideas
- Re: Deck lines
Arlen -- 1/29/2001, 12:29 pm- Re: Deck lines
Mitch Isoe -- 1/29/2001, 1:11 pm
- Re: Deck lines
Don Beale -- 1/29/2001, 11:26 am- Re: Deck lines
Severne Johnson -- 1/29/2001, 10:42 am- Re: Deck lines
tom preska -- 1/29/2001, 9:06 am- Re: Deck lines *Pic*
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 1/29/2001, 8:47 am - Paddle float harness line ideas
- At the risk of annoying you...