Date: 1/31/2001, 9:00 am
: Last weekend I routed the bead and cove in my WR cedar strips. About 40% come
: out perfect, about 30% are fit for use and the other 30% I endded up
: trashing. I keep the strips grouped by the boards they came from and it
: seems that some of them simply won't machine without splintering. Mostly
: when working the cove, but quite a few splinter when machining the bead.
: I'm using a 1/4" router with matching bead a cove bits (about 1
: 1/2" diameter). When I run into a stubborn set of strips I've tried
: different speeds, turning the strips around and running various feed and
: router speeds but nothing seems to help. This is my second campaign of
: making strips.
: I also did some pine strips and got close to 100% yield.
: Any ideas for improving my cedar strips? What kind of yields are other people
: getting with cedar? If anyone has purchased strips, are they all perfect?
: Dwight
Hi Dwight
This is only a guess, but it could be that you just ran into some wild grain that was somewhat cross-grained in some areas and that is why you are getting some split-out. Also, it could be the wood is a bit too dry. ??? The dry wood would tend to split out. As I say, only guessing. Usually by turning the wood around or flipping it over will do the trick. Again, I would say you just got a bad stick. ???
Messages In This Thread
- Bead and cove machining yields
Dwight -- 1/30/2001, 9:40 pm- Re: Bead and cove machining yields
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 2/1/2001, 9:41 am- Fence?
Bill Price -- 2/1/2001, 1:41 pm- Ahh! I get it! (Finally :-) Thanks. *NM*
Bill Price -- 2/2/2001, 3:45 pm- Re: Fence?
Dwight -- 2/1/2001, 8:58 pm- Re: Fence?
Rehd -- 2/1/2001, 8:41 pm- router setupRe: Fence?
Joel -- 2/1/2001, 3:40 pm - Re: Fence?
- Ahh! I get it! (Finally :-) Thanks. *NM*
- Thank You For Your Advice
Dwight -- 1/31/2001, 10:16 pm- Stop and tweak/Ripping or buying
Russ -- 1/31/2001, 8:02 pm- Re: Knots..naughty or not?
Ben Staley -- 2/1/2001, 12:54 pm- Re: Knots..naughty or not?
Dwight -- 2/1/2001, 8:44 pm- Re: User friendly Knots *Pic*
Ben Staley -- 2/2/2001, 4:02 pm- Re: Knots..naughty or not?
Rehd -- 2/1/2001, 8:54 pm - Re: Knots..naughty or not?
- Ben is right again
Naughty Character is good! *NM*
Russ -- 2/1/2001, 1:16 pm- Re: Ben is right again
Naughty Character is goo
Rehd -- 2/1/2001, 8:48 pm
- Re: User friendly Knots *Pic*
- Re: Knots..naughty or not?
- Re: Bead and cove machining yields
John Michne -- 1/31/2001, 3:38 pm- Re: Bead and cove machining yields
Rehd -- 1/31/2001, 9:00 am- Re: Bead and cove machining yields
Pete Rudie -- 1/31/2001, 3:16 am- Re: Bead and cove machining yields
Andreas Albat -- 2/1/2001, 12:00 pm- Re: Bead and cove machining yields
Al Gunther -- 1/31/2001, 8:29 pm- Re: Bead and cove machining yields
Malcolm Schweizer -- 1/31/2001, 7:34 pm - Re: Bead and cove machining yields
- Fence?
- Re: Bead and cove machining yields