My suggestion would be a Mill Creek (CLC), an Eider (Shearwater Boats) or something along those lines. An open cockpit double would seem to fit the bill, that way you could see the dog, have him with you and not be trying to tow him while he wanted to practice his eskimo rolls in his kayak behind you.
My 2 cents.
: I'm building my 3rd kayak,1 plywood,and 2 strippers, and was thinking of how
: I am going to bring my 50# dog with me on day trips, and week long trips.
: I was thinking of building a small kayak (3-4 feet long) to tow along
: behind mine. Has anyone done this, or have any ideas on such a prodject??
: Flat bottom? Hard chine? This yak could also serve well for an extra gear
: boat. Any Ideas, plans, pictures?? Thanks Don
Messages In This Thread
- Dog yak
Don -- 2/1/2001, 10:46 pm- Re: Dog yak *Pic*
Bill Price -- 2/2/2001, 3:32 pm- Re: Dog yak
Dale Frolander -- 2/2/2001, 9:37 pm- Re: Dog yak - OT
Chris Menard -- 2/5/2001, 12:31 pm- Shhhhhh!!
Bill Price -- 2/3/2001, 12:05 am - Shhhhhh!!
- Re: Dog yak
Eric Schade (shearwater boats) -- 2/2/2001, 5:58 pm - Re: Dog yak - OT
- Re: Doggyak
Geo. Cushing -- 2/2/2001, 11:17 am- You bet!
Jerry Siegel -- 2/2/2001, 12:08 am- Re: You bet!
Bobby Curtis -- 2/15/2001, 10:44 pm
- Re: Dog yak -questionable??
Rehd -- 2/1/2001, 11:49 pm- Re: Dog yak
Ken Sutherland -- 2/1/2001, 11:40 pm - Re: Dog yak
- Re: Dog yak *Pic*