Date: 2/2/2001, 2:12 pm
: You lost me. The strip dimension is 1/2" on the flat, 1/4"+ on one
: edge, and 1/4" on the opposite? Then the cove is cut in the + edge
: and the bead on the smaller edge?
Let's see. There are two different kinds of strips in the pic. Starting up from the sheer, they are about 5/16" square (almost), but ripped with a 3 degree bevel on one edge. No cove or bead on these, and they are installed with the fat edge of the bevel to the outside of the hull. There is method to the madness. If you had a circular cross section, and 65 strips (about the number of 3/4" strips required for a GBoat), and you bevelled each one to fit, the angle would be 360/65 or about 6 degrees (+/- 1 degree is as close as you can get with the average table saw). Using the narrower strips, twice as many would be required, so the angle is half. It's pretty tough to see the bevel on the cut strip, so each one is marked as it comes out of the saw. It works pretty well between Forms 4 and 9, and then the strips twist a bit out to the ends. But they are so thin that the small steps created don't compromise the hull thickness by more than 1/16", and the time saved by not having to hand-bevel each strip is huge.
Then higher on the pic, the last two are C&B, and the transition strip just below them has a bead but no cove. I would have done the whole hull with 3/4", but didn't come up with the edge clamping jig idea until yesterday. Like my daddy used to say, "too soon old, and too late smart".
Messages In This Thread
- Edge clamps *Pic*
Pete Rudie -- 2/1/2001, 1:15 pm- Re: Edge clamps
john gray -- 2/6/2001, 8:07 pm - Re: Oh Great One!
Geo. Cushing -- 2/2/2001, 11:31 am- Re: Oh Great One!
Pete Rudie -- 2/2/2001, 12:31 pm- Re: Bevel?
Don Beale -- 2/2/2001, 1:19 pm- Re: Bevel?
Pete Rudie -- 2/2/2001, 2:12 pm- Erratum: should be "cove but no bead" *NM*
Pete Rudie -- 2/2/2001, 5:46 pm - It goes pretty fast, too *Pic*
Pete Rudie -- 2/2/2001, 5:05 pm- But it's a bit like herding cats... *NM*
Pete Rudie -- 2/2/2001, 5:17 pm
- But it's a bit like herding cats... *NM*
- Erratum: should be "cove but no bead" *NM*
- Re: Bevel?
- Re: Bevel?
- Re: Oh Great One!
- Re: Edge clamps
Ross Leidy -- 2/1/2001, 1:43 pm
- Re: Edge clamps