Date: 2/8/2001, 5:31 am
I tried the screen capture method and pasted it into Paint Shop Pro, cropped out just the picture and saved it to a file. Works great.
: If you have a PC there is a simple hardware process for saving a fair copy of
: almost any image, no matter what the original format. First, get the image
: on your screen. then look on your keyboard for the "print
: screen" button. It is usually on the upper row, to the right of the
: function keys, or over the numeric keypad on the upper right of the
: keyboard. Hit the key once. You won't see anything happen.
: In the days of DOS and monitors that displayed only lines of text, this would
: cause the displayed text to be printed on whatever printer was attached to
: the computer. With the advent of Windows and graphical screen displays the
: function of this key shifted. now when you hit it your computer makes a
: copy of the screen (a screen capture or screen grab) and hold that
: information on the clipboard area in memory.
: Now open up your word processing program and start a new document. Get your
: cursor on the first page of that document (or any other open page) and
: click on time with your mouse to anchor the cursor there. Then either go
: to the pull down menu for editing and select the line for paste, or right
: click and select teh menu item for paste, or hold down the control key and
: tap the "v" key. Either of these three actions will paste the
: contents of the clipboard into your document. You now save the document
: and close it.
: Many word processing programs will allow you to enlarge or reduce this image,
: and some will allow you to crop it. so, if you got an image from the
: internet and it was in your browser window when you hit the print screen
: button, you will see the entire browser window on your word processing
: document -- but you might be able to crop off the frame formed by the
: browser, and only have the desired kayak art.
: Sorry mac users. I'm sure there is a similar, simple method for screen
: grabbing with your equipment, but I'm not sure what it might be.
: Can't help ya here right now, but if you'ld care to donate a few megabucks to
: my development fund I'll be happy to try and float a new dot.com venture
: to address this issue sometime in the next few years.
: Hope this helps.
Messages In This Thread
- Photo-Point -Instruction / No Excuses anymore!!
Rehd -- 2/6/2001, 7:00 pm- Re: Photo-Point -Instruction / No Excuses anymore!
Ray Port Angeles -- 2/8/2001, 3:13 pm- Re: Photo-Point -Instruction / No Excuses anymore! *Pic*
John Monfoe -- 2/7/2001, 4:40 am- Re: Your "Fluff"
Geo. Cushing -- 2/8/2001, 10:06 am- The tranverse strips are strips of duck tape *NM*
John Monfoe -- 2/9/2001, 6:00 am- Re: Your "Fluff"
John Monfoe -- 2/9/2001, 5:54 am - Re: Your "Fluff"
- Beautifuls anymore!
Russ -- 2/7/2001, 8:33 pm- Re: Beautifuls anymore!
John Monfoe -- 2/8/2001, 3:31 am
- Re: Photo-Point -Instruction / No Excuses anymore!
Bob Deutsch -- 2/7/2001, 1:21 pm- Re: Photo-Point -Instruction / No Excuses anymore!
John Monfoe -- 2/8/2001, 3:23 am
- Re: Nice!
Ross Leidy -- 2/7/2001, 12:00 pm- Re: Photo-Point -Instruction /One more thing!
Ron Hagedorn -- 2/7/2001, 11:50 am- Re: Photo-Point -Instruction /One more thing!
John Monfoe -- 2/8/2001, 3:12 am
- Sorry, Spidey give us C-C & C-V. Thanks *NM*
John Monfoe -- 2/7/2001, 4:47 am- Re: Spidey give us C-C & C-V.
Geo. Cushing -- 2/9/2001, 1:47 pm
- The tranverse strips are strips of duck tape *NM*
- But...
Dale Frolander -- 2/7/2001, 2:06 am- Re: But...
Chris Menard -- 2/7/2001, 8:14 am- Re: But...
Dale Frolander -- 2/8/2001, 5:25 am- Re: But...
Chris Menard -- 2/8/2001, 7:50 am
- Yup. That works too !
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/8/2001, 2:47 am - Re: But...
- simple hardware option
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/7/2001, 2:41 am- Re: PrSrc
Geo. Cushing -- 2/8/2001, 9:56 am- That's what I wanted to hear.
Dale Frolander -- 2/8/2001, 5:31 am - That's what I wanted to hear.
- Re: Ask for Silver...You Get Silver...
Rehd -- 2/7/2001, 2:21 am - Re: But...
- Re: Photo-Point -Instruction / No Excuses anymore! *Pic*
- Re: Photo-Point -Instruction / No Excuses anymore!