Date: 2/8/2001, 6:38 pm
You are correct. The change was made by the production shop, but the office was not notified until a few of them had been shipped with instructions to "file square." I think we have talked with those that had both the rounded #6 and #5 panels but the manual calling for filing. Sorry about the confusion.
: I came to the point in the Coho instructions where it said to file the notch
: square where the end of the deck ridge panel fits into the deck panel. I
: choked at the idea of squaring what appeared to be a perfect,
: mating,curved fit- call it 1st-boat fear.
: I called Pygmy,and I understood them to say that until recently, one of the
: two mating pieces was square, and the rounded one had to be filed to fit.
: Now, both are cut rounded (like mine), and fit w/o filing. The
: instructions haven't been updated.
: If I have this right, confirmation from s/o at Pygmy would be a good way to
: post this update to the instructions, if not, please correct me. Thanks
Messages In This Thread
- Coho Notch Not
Rod Beittel -- 2/6/2001, 1:37 pm- Re: Coho Notch Not
Dave Grimmer, Pygmy -- 2/8/2001, 6:38 pm- Re: Coho Notch Not
skip -- 2/6/2001, 9:47 pm - Re: Coho Notch Not
- Re: Coho Notch Not