recycling~~~ OT *Pic*
By:Larry C.
Date: 2/10/2001, 6:57 pm
Date: 2/10/2001, 6:57 pm
I'm always looking for a use for old film canisters.
They work good for mixing small amounts of epoxy but here is my latest idea.
2" duct tape rolled onto the empty canister makes a great way of carrying less than a full roll. The canister can be used to store small repair parts, such as, razorblade, FG tape, 5 min epoxy pouch, sandpaper, etc.
Larry C.
Messages In This Thread
- recycling~~~ OT *Pic*
Larry C. -- 2/10/2001, 6:57 pm- Ducttape idea in morning Starts a Great day TNX
Russ -- 2/11/2001, 8:44 am- Re: Opps!!!! *NM* *Pic*
Larry C. -- 2/10/2001, 7:33 pm- Re: yet another use
Erez -- 2/11/2001, 4:46 pm- Good Idea ! *NM*
John Monfoe -- 2/11/2001, 2:42 am- Re: Oppses Happen!
George Cushing -- 2/10/2001, 9:29 pm - Good Idea ! *NM*
- Re: Opps!!!! *NM* *Pic*
- Ducttape idea in morning Starts a Great day TNX