Date: 2/12/2001, 11:21 pm

: Hi George
: Sorry partner, but I'm afraid I don't get your drift.
Sometimes my attempts at humor are a bit "subtile." But here's a guy with an idea that I find questionable, but I hold my peace. You go headlong to encourage his experimentation. I find your spirit for exploration and encouragement exceptional. So the "Postal" crack was just an attempt to humorously call attention to your sense of fun and adventure. Others might not have been so kind to this fellow. Reading your response I felt a little ashamed of my reaction to the guy's idea. Just tryin' to cheer you on.
As for your income generating activity, I been told by experts from the Cornell School of Industrial Relations that the Postal Service is run by one of the worst managements in the country. If they wanted to encourage workplace violence they couldn't do a better job. I'm sure you’re right about the press coverage. Far more violence is done in the workplace by the spill over of domestic disputes than any other cause.
I am never civil, nor do I serve according to Menchen, and I have done so for nearly 30 years now. So in another 13.5 months I can take off the golden handcuffs. But whose counting. I'm an attorney with the state agency that provides custodial care and supervision for New York's 10,000 young criminals (ages 8-21). My job consists mainly of going to family court and asking the judge to extend our custody of these kids who we feel need more services before their return to the community. My unit of five attorneys made almost 1,000 court appearances last year.
Because our superiors (all political appointees) don't want the bother of administering regional offices we have to travel all over the state to appear in every county. I travel 50,00 miles a year covering my calendar, driving about half. My contract says I owe the taxpayer 7.5 hours a day, 37.5 hours a week. I may have to be on the road at five to make an appearance in Buffalo at 9:30, but probably won't get to see the Judge before he takes an hour and half lunch. So I'll get home around nine if the weather's good. I generally figger I get about 5% face time and about 95% asstime. So the taxpayers get 60 or so hours a week and pay me for the 37.5.
Of course, the work has its rewards. Like knowing that 12% of these kids will not return to our custody or go on to prison. How'd you think the public would react to you losin' 88% of the mail? And for those with prurient interests, you get to delve into the sex lives of 11-year-old sodomites. Or wonder at the wisdom of a Judge who feels they're ready to return to the home of their 3-year-old victim.
And the work is steady. I had the privileged of waiting around the Kings County family court (Brooklyn) 'til 9:00 one night as the intake part heard 250 cases. Lucky me, mine was heard last. The Judge dismissed my case for an extension because the counselor had filed the papers 58 days before the hearing rather than 60. So we took the cuffs and shakles off the kid and told him to go home. Got home 2:00 AM. Lucky the wife didn't shoot me as an intruder. Fortunately, I get to do a few child abuse cases or I could get real depressed.
So I would be the last to make light of any public service work. I learned you don't get any respect from the public or the politicians. We're happiest when thay all just leave us to do our jobs with what little they give us. When I get a lay day in the office and get caught up on my travel vouchers and what little paperwork the job entails, I check on this old BBS for my mental health. You're all part of my therapy group. Anyway the boss told me no solitaire. So it's just you all to keep me going 'til April fool's day 2002.
Best regards,
George C.
As for the " Goin Postal, Again " I don't recall ever having done
: it the first time, but...?? As I say, I don't recall. BUT!!, If you
: will check, you will find that the Postal Service is THE largest employer
: in the USA and when you take Percentages, say... # of employees and # of
: shootings by employees, you will find that it is extremely low and there
: are many others that are much greater. And the reason everyone hears about
: Postal Employees is that there is one in your face every day. At work, at
: home and At the donut shop........oh wait, that's cops...... Well, anyway,
: we are more visible than any other business and therefore, everyone
: remembers when one of us loses it. Do you ever hear when the garbage man
: offs a customer, or a disgruntled Carl's Jr. cashier shoots their boss?
: Well, it happens, but the only ones that get noticed by the public or
: media are the postal employees. In fact, when most crimes are reported by
: the media, they never mention where someone works. Why then do they have
: to report when a postal employee is the suspect, victim or ??? Because it
: sell papers!!
: As for Republicans, or Democrats or any other Political affiliations: I have
: NONE. I merely look for someone I feel can do what it takes to help turn
: this country around and get it headed in the right direction. NONE of them
: have accomplished that in the years I've been able to vote, regardless of
: Political offiliation. So, that should tell you something about
: Politics......shouldn't it??
: Oh, back on the postal thing for a second......... In case you were
: wondering, and I'm sure you were..... "Our" motto is not "
: We Deliver ", as everyone knows we are not perfect and sometimes we
: make mistakes like everyone else, but we have a better one that that. And
: you and all others should rest easy because of it. Our Motto, Jokingly of
: course, is: " We Only Shoot Our Own ". Personally, I let the
: Lord do my light work. And You can take that to the bank..... But, watch
: out you don't go in there when the boss has just told a clerk that they
: will have to take that $150 shortage out of their check.
: I would love to go on and on, but, I have a couple of Valentines Cakes to
: decorate.
: I'm sure I'll get your meaning when I get off here and start playing with
: icing and roses, but........ ??
: Rehd, the self proclaimed " Perfectly Gruntled Postal Employee "
: P.S. ( rest assured, I take NO offense to any remarks about my job or myself
: and I'm into teasing as much as anyone else, but, just thought I'd throw a
: FACT or two in there just for fun. And, I kinda like
: George.......either one. )
Messages In This Thread
- SOF with dowels?
Jerry Hayes -- 2/11/2001, 11:11 pm- Re: SOF with dowels?
Rehd -- 2/12/2001, 12:38 am- Re: Goin' Postal Again!
Geo. Cushing -- 2/12/2001, 1:12 pm- Re: " Again?? " Shucks!!
O. T.
Rehd -- 2/12/2001, 4:29 pm- Re: " Again?? " Shucks!!
O. T.
Geo. Cushing -- 2/12/2001, 11:21 pm- Re: I'm Kool with That
O. T.
Rehd -- 2/13/2001, 12:39 am
- Re: I'm Kool with That
- Re: " Again?? " Shucks!!
- Re: " Again?? " Shucks!!
- Re: SOF with dowels?
Scotty -- 2/11/2001, 11:33 pm- Re: SOF with dowels?
Scotty -- 2/14/2001, 12:40 pm
- Re: Goin' Postal Again!
- Re: SOF with dowels?