Date: 2/15/2001, 6:55 pm
: ok, i'm one of those cronic "read out loud" readers. i'm stumped.
: how should i pronounce "rehd". reed? red? ray-ed? i've got to
: know. its driving me crazy. how am i supposed to read out loud when i
: don't know how to pronounce it?
: in a quandry,
: hitman
Well, I started out as just plain Red, as in color crayons and blood. But, as I got to making stuff, and baking stuff, and now faking stuff, I decided that Red just wasn't me. So, I added the silent H to kinda give it some attitude. Like all the stars....kinda.
Or, I was Larry, but there were too many Larry's at work, so I went to Red. But, alas, there was another Red already in the P.O. here is Fresburg, so, I was told I couldn't be Red. Well, I told them Kiss my rosie Rehd one. Attitude!!! And now, I'm the only Rehd in the entire P.O.!! ( as in Fire Engine )
I just like to be a little different.
But, Not Rhed!! That's a bit "airy" for me. Thanks for you concern and I'm glad to set you on the right track. Sorry about all the sleepless nights and tranquilizers.
P.S.( Ray-ed is O.K. if you happen to be Female and Drop-Dead Gorgeous and live in the deep south, say.......Rome, Georgia! Love them Georgia Peaches! )
Messages In This Thread
- rehd!
brett (the hitman hart)onnink -- 2/15/2001, 2:47 pm- Re: Attitude!!
Rehd -- 2/15/2001, 6:55 pm- Re: You can call me Kehn . . .
Spidey -- 2/16/2001, 12:07 am- Ooooh! Ooooh! I want to be Bihll
Bill Price -- 2/16/2001, 1:13 am- Re: brehtt started this . . . *NM*
Spidey -- 2/16/2001, 1:25 am- Actually, I'm Monroe,,,will the real one stand up. *NM*
John Monfoe -- 2/16/2001, 2:42 am- a bit of a lisp john?:) *NM*
brett (the hitman hart)onnink -- 2/16/2001, 5:50 pm
- a bit of a lisp john?:) *NM*
- Actually, I'm Monroe,,,will the real one stand up. *NM*
- Re:
Rehd -- 2/16/2001, 12:47 am - Re: brehtt started this . . . *NM*
- Ooooh! Ooooh! I want to be Bihll
- Re: You can call me Kehn . . .
- Re: Attitude!!