Date: 2/19/2001, 3:57 am

: John,
: RAM TOUGH.... Hmnnn I like it. To bad Kayaks don't have stern plates. I can
: see it with your hailing port already. In fac,t I already have a mental
: image of RAM TOUGH sitting on a certian lake in the BWCA. Send me that pic
: when ya get it developed. Sure beats Hoosiers Long Haul.
: Its good when ya find the name of your boat in the grain of the wood. When do
: ya kick the keel blocks?
Kicking the keel blocks--I think that means ready to go? It must be ready by Aug. 23, and that seems a long time away but there are so many little things to do. Ken from Canada just sent me plans to build a kayak yoke. Then I need to customize a car carrier and build in my sponsor/storage compartments and custom seat and back rest, recess compass, try out my own way of building a cock pit coaming which may not work, etc. I have been at this for more then 3 months and I am not panicking but time seems to go by pretty fast. But my time table has always been to have it enclosed and rough faired by the end of Feb. so I can take it out side in the good light to do my finish fairing and sanding. Then take it back inside where I can control the temp to fiberglass. But I am loving every minute of this and the KBB is great and I look forward to reading it every day
Messages In This Thread
- Inlays *Pic*
John Monfoe -- 2/17/2001, 5:18 am- 2 other Inlay Methods
mike allen ---> -- 2/19/2001, 2:14 pm- Re: 2 other Inlay Methods
John Monfoe -- 2/20/2001, 5:27 am
- Dang it, I'm too late again.
Dale Frolander -- 2/19/2001, 5:30 am- Re: Dang it, I'm too late again.
John Monfoe -- 2/20/2001, 5:45 am
- Ram Tough
RUSS -- 2/17/2001, 9:23 am- Re: Ram Tough
John Monfoe -- 2/18/2001, 3:01 am- Chocolate cigars for everyone.
RUSS -- 2/18/2001, 11:45 am- Re: Chocolate cigars for everyone.
John Monfoe -- 2/19/2001, 3:57 am
- Re: Chocolate cigars for everyone.
- Re: Ram Tough
Elliott Wagner -- 2/17/2001, 10:36 pm - Chocolate cigars for everyone.
- Re: Inlays
Geo. Cushing -- 2/17/2001, 8:23 am- Re: Inlays
John Monfoe -- 2/18/2001, 3:18 am
- Re: 2 other Inlay Methods
- 2 other Inlay Methods