I prefer balsamic and a little olive oil.
By:Ben Staley
Date: 2/20/2001, 6:07 pm
Date: 2/20/2001, 6:07 pm
In Response To: Re: best way to get epoxy out of your hair?
(Mike Nicholson)

: David,
: Wash it with vinegar. I use white, but use what you've got.
: You'll smell like a salad, but it works if the epoxy hasn't set up.
: Mike
Thanks Mike, It was me not David....yet.....that managed to get the epoxy hairspray.
It was really not that bad, I had small droplets and got it all out this morning, no permanent damage.
Pete on the other hand, thats incredible! Too bad no pictures, did you save the foam cap, might come in handy for cold weather rolling practice.
Messages In This Thread
- Deck to Hull joint, how much lip is ok?
Ben Staley -- 2/19/2001, 5:44 pm- Re: Deck to Hull joint, how much lip is ok?
David Hanson -- 2/20/2001, 12:35 pm- best way to get epoxy out of your hair?
Ben Staley -- 2/20/2001, 12:56 pm- Re: best way to get epoxy out of your hair?
Mike Nicholson -- 2/20/2001, 5:52 pm- I prefer balsamic and a little olive oil.
Ben Staley -- 2/20/2001, 6:07 pm
- Re: best way to get epoxy out of your hair?
Pete Rudie -- 2/20/2001, 1:43 pm - I prefer balsamic and a little olive oil.
- Re: best way to get epoxy out of your hair?
- Thanks gentlemen, D the torpedos full spd ahd
Ben Staley -- 2/19/2001, 9:45 pm- Re: no lip son
rick -- 2/19/2001, 9:28 pm- Re: Deck to Hull joint, how much lip is ok?
Don -- 2/19/2001, 8:57 pm- don't gimme no lip
Dean Trexel -- 2/19/2001, 7:39 pm - best way to get epoxy out of your hair?
- Re: Deck to Hull joint, how much lip is ok?