Re: Those are beautiful!
Date: 2/23/2001, 11:36 am
Date: 2/23/2001, 11:36 am
In Response To: try a cedar flute (OT) *Pic* (Dean Trexel)
Hi Dean;
Absolutely gorgeous! and they match the wood strip kayaks we build . . . Do you have plans that you'de care to share? I'd love to build one (or two ) of those . . . Are they laminated from two pieces with a groove routed into the center? I'd be really interested in the "whistle part as well, as my grandkids aren't going to find the flute part of mine very easy to master.
Any info you could email me would be much appreciated, if I start soon I could have enough made to use as Christmas presents!
Best Regards, Spidey
Messages In This Thread
- Try Doing *This* with Staples . . . (OT) *Pic*
Spidey -- 2/21/2001, 10:27 pm- Re: More (OT) Fun . . . *Pic*
Spidey -- 2/23/2001, 12:43 am- try a cedar flute (OT) *Pic*
Dean Trexel -- 2/23/2001, 11:00 am- Re: Those are beautiful!
Spidey -- 2/23/2001, 11:36 am- Native American cedar flute diagram (OT) *Pic*
Dean Trexel -- 2/23/2001, 8:59 pm- Re: Thanks for the Drawing
Spidey -- 2/24/2001, 12:35 am- Cedar flute instructions (1 of 2) *Pic*
Dean Trexel -- 2/27/2001, 7:35 pm- Re: Cedar flute instructions (2 of 2) *Pic*
Dean Trexel -- 2/27/2001, 7:42 pm- Re: Cedar flute instructions (2 of 2)
daren -- 2/27/2001, 10:59 pm- Re: Cedar flute instructions (2 of 2)
Rehd -- 2/28/2001, 12:34 am- Re: Cedar flute instructions (2 of 2)
Rehd -- 2/28/2001, 12:47 am- Re: Cedar flute instructions (2 of 2)
daren -- 2/28/2001, 9:20 am- Re: right url
daren -- 3/2/2001, 8:22 pm- URL error file not found at execpc *NM*
john doerter -- 3/2/2001, 10:24 am - URL error file not found at execpc *NM*
- Re: right url
- Re: Cedar flute instructions (2 of 2)
- Re: Chiff, Fipple, & Embouchure
Spidey -- 2/28/2001, 12:23 am - Re: Cedar flute instructions (2 of 2)
- Re: Thanks!
Spidey -- 2/27/2001, 7:57 pm- Re: Yeh, Yeh...Me Too Dean
Rehd -- 2/27/2001, 8:22 pm
- Re: Cedar flute instructions (2 of 2)
- Re: Cedar flute instructions (2 of 2)
- Welcome.......
Ken Sutherland -- 2/24/2001, 7:54 pm - Re: Cedar flute instructions (2 of 2) *Pic*
- Cedar flute instructions (1 of 2) *Pic*
- Re: Renaissance People
Brent Curtis -- 2/23/2001, 6:43 pm - Re: Thanks for the Drawing
- Re: can get very ornate *NM* *Pic*
Dean Trexel -- 2/23/2001, 11:18 am - Native American cedar flute diagram (OT) *Pic*
- Doh!
Pete Rudie -- 2/23/2001, 1:41 am- Re: More (OT) Fun . . .
daren -- 2/23/2001, 1:19 am - Re: Those are beautiful!
- Re: Try Doing *This* with Staples . . . (OT)
Ken Sarkozy -- 2/22/2001, 12:31 pm- Iit CAN be done with staples
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/22/2001, 3:05 am - try a cedar flute (OT) *Pic*
- Re: More (OT) Fun . . . *Pic*