Date: 6/2/1998, 11:29 am
Hi Brian,
Can you spell "Arrrrrgggggghhhh"!!!! I empathize with your difficulty. Two-part linear polyurethane (LP) finishes are different than others. Not necessarily harder to apply, but definately different.
Despite several tries, I've never suceeded in obtaining a decent brushed or rollered finish with LP. So, I'm not in position to recommend a roller or brush that will work well. I would rely on the manufacuturer's recommendations for that. However, I have had great sucess in spraying LP. If you can see your way clear to spend some $$, either pay a professional painter to spray your hull, or invest in the equipment and do it yourself.
NO matter how you apply subsequent coats of LP, you need to sand off the monkey fur (duh). I suggest letting the LP cure for at least 7 days, and then wet sand with 120 grit until the shag carpet goes away. A light finish sand (wet, again) with 220 will make the finish OK for recoat. I also suggest waiting 5-7 days between coats, vice 2 hours. Although LP is tack-free in two hours, it isn't really hard. After hardening, a light scratching with 220 (wet or dry) gets it ready for subsequent coats. The good news is it only takes a couple of coats for a complete finish.
LP is great stuff, but not for the faint of heart. At approximately $100 for a quart or so of the stuff, plus $$ for reducer, accelerator, anti-fisheye additive, etc. it ain't cheap. But, I really like the final results. After a good cure, LP is like iron. Looks great, too. Wish I could afford it for my cars!
Messages In This Thread
- Two part polyurethane question
Brian -- 6/1/1998, 11:46 pm- Re: Two part polyurethane question
Pete Jung -- 6/2/1998, 11:29 am- Re: Two part polyurethane question
Brian -- 6/2/1998, 10:12 pm- Re: Two part polyurethane question
Pete Jung -- 6/3/1998, 7:20 pm- Re: Flash Off (are we back to dancing naked around the hull?)
Mark Kanzler -- 6/4/1998, 10:46 am- Re: Flash Off (are we back to dancing naked around the hull?)
NPenney -- 6/5/1998, 8:21 am
- Re: Flash Off (are we back to dancing naked around the hull?)
- Re: Two part polyurethane question
Brian -- 6/3/1998, 11:28 pm- Re: Two part polyurethane question
Pete Jung -- 6/4/1998, 11:13 am- Re: Two part polyurethane question
Mark Kanzler -- 6/4/1998, 11:23 am
- Re: Two part polyurethane question
- Re: Two part polyurethane question
- Re: Flash Off (are we back to dancing naked around the hull?)
- Re: Two part polyurethane question
Mike R -- 6/3/1998, 6:11 pm - Re: Two part polyurethane question
Rob Cochrane -- 6/3/1998, 5:29 pm- Re: Two part polyurethane question
Mark Kanzler -- 6/3/1998, 6:10 pm- Re: Unbelievably cheap paint spray gun
Mark Kanzler -- 6/3/1998, 6:15 pm- Re: Unbelievably cheap paint spray gun
Pete Jung -- 6/3/1998, 7:31 pm- Re: Unbelievably cheap paint spray gun
Mark Kanzler -- 6/4/1998, 10:23 am
- Re: Unbelievably cheap paint spray gun
- Re: Unbelievably cheap paint spray gun
- Re: Unbelievably cheap paint spray gun
- Re: Two part polyurethane question
- Re: Two part polyurethane question
- Re: Two part polyurethane question
Brian -- 6/2/1998, 9:50 pm
- Re: Two part polyurethane question
- Re: Two part polyurethane question
Mark Kanzler -- 6/2/1998, 10:49 am
- Re: Two part polyurethane question