Re: Speculation
In Response To: Re: Speculation (Mike Hanks)
: Come on, throw us a bone!
Strips that have to twist 180 degrees in 6 feet?
Sounds like a new kind of paddle. It must be one where the power faces of the blades are at 180 degrees to each other. Then he can go backwards as fast as he could go forwards.
This sounds like an ideal invention for training kayakers in swimming pools. The left stroke would push you forward, and the right stroke would pull you right back to where you started. Lots of exercise that way in a very limited area! I imagine rolls with a paddle like that would be a snap, as long as you remembered which side you were paddling on.
Messages In This Thread
- Gaps
Dave Seales -- 3/12/2001, 12:34 pm- Re: Gaps
Dale Frolander -- 3/12/2001, 9:37 pm- Re: Oh, Let Me Guess!!
Rehd -- 3/13/2001, 1:27 am- Re: Oh, Let Me Guess!!
Dale Frolander -- 3/13/2001, 5:51 am- Looked at your other pics
Roger Nuffer -- 3/13/2001, 2:03 am- Re: Looked at your other pics
Rehd -- 3/13/2001, 3:17 am
- Looked at your other pics
- Re: Speculation
Mike Hanks -- 3/13/2001, 12:07 am- Re: Speculation
Dale Frolander -- 3/13/2001, 5:43 am- Re: Speculation
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/13/2001, 1:08 am - Re: Speculation
- Re: Gaps
Dave Seales -- 3/12/2001, 10:35 pm- Re: Gaps
Dale Frolander -- 3/13/2001, 5:35 am
- Re: Oh, Let Me Guess!!
- Re: Gaps
Rob Macks -- 3/12/2001, 1:28 pm - Re: Oh, Let Me Guess!!
- Re: Gaps