Re: still missing it *Pic*
By:Doug K.
Date: 3/14/2001, 12:06 am
Date: 3/14/2001, 12:06 am
In Response To: still missing it (sage)
: without the strong back what keeps the forms from sliding to the center of
: the kayak?
The forms are either stapled or hot glued to the strips still.

Messages In This Thread
- external strongback
sage -- 3/13/2001, 10:42 pm- still missing it
sage -- 3/13/2001, 11:33 pm- Re: still missing it
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/14/2001, 12:10 am- Re: The 20 oz. solution
Geo. Cushing -- 3/14/2001, 4:54 pm- Re: still missing it
sage -- 3/14/2001, 12:20 am - Re: still missing it
- Re: still missing it
Julie Kanarr -- 3/14/2001, 12:09 am- Re: still missing it
Rehd -- 3/14/2001, 12:29 am- Re: still missing it
Julie Kanarr -- 3/14/2001, 12:43 pm- How many cubits in that kayak? *NM* *NM*
john doerter -- 3/15/2001, 1:21 pm- Re: How many cubits in that kayak?
Julie Kanarr -- 3/15/2001, 1:33 pm- Re: How many cubits in that kayak?
Doug Kuik -- 3/15/2001, 4:43 pm
- Re: How many cubits in that kayak?
- AMEN ! *NM*
Don Campbell -- 3/14/2001, 7:32 pm- Re: still missing it
Doug Kuik -- 3/14/2001, 2:00 pm- Yea, verily *NM*
Ray Port Angeles -- 3/14/2001, 1:07 pm - Re: How many cubits in that kayak?
- How many cubits in that kayak? *NM* *NM*
- Re: still missing it
- Re: still missing it *Pic*
Doug K. -- 3/14/2001, 12:06 am - Re: The 20 oz. solution
- Re: external strongback
Ray Port Angeles -- 3/13/2001, 11:02 pm- Re: external strongback *Pic*
Ross Leidy -- 3/13/2001, 10:58 pm - Re: still missing it
- still missing it