Date: 3/26/2001, 8:28 am

: If you are particularly tough on the bottom of your boat, you can "armor
: plate" it with a layer of some super strong fabric like Dynel, or
: Kevlar, or just build on a "sacrificial" layer of regular
: fiberglass cloth. Your first year or two of use will give you an
: indication of whether you need this extra weight and protection. If you
: break something during that time you have the skills, tools and materials
: to fix it.
: hope this helps.
: Paul G. Jacobson
It does help, Paul, thanks. Thanks to everyone for the input on this thread. As I said earlier, I now feel fairly confident with the techniques I've chosen. I understand the boat won't be bulletproof, but I don't think it's "unsafe at any speed" either.
I can see some merit to the thinner wood core with multiple laminations of lightweight glass, too. I imagine the principle is similar to a microlam beam having a greater strenght/weight ratio than a couple of 2x12s. As I get more experience I'll be better able to determine if this type of layup would be worth the effort for the conditions I encounter.
Thanks again,
Messages In This Thread
- Durability worries
Jim P. -- 3/23/2001, 10:29 pm- Re: Durability worries
Pete Rudie -- 3/27/2001, 12:27 am- Re: G.R.
Dean Trexel -- 3/27/2001, 12:16 pm- Re: G.R.
Bruce -- 3/27/2001, 12:54 pm
Bruce -- 3/27/2001, 11:10 am- Re:
Grant Goltz -- 3/27/2001, 10:25 am - Re: G.R.
- Re: Durability worries
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 3/26/2001, 11:10 am- durability? build a second boat
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/26/2001, 2:53 am- Re: durability? build a second boat
Jim P. -- 3/26/2001, 8:28 am- Re: durability? build a lighter third boat!
Lee Gardner -- 3/26/2001, 3:03 pm
- Re: durability? build a lighter third boat!
- Re: Durability worries
Bruce -- 3/25/2001, 9:48 pm- Re: Don't worry
Lee Gardner -- 3/24/2001, 11:40 am- Re: Durability (don't) worries
Mike -- 3/24/2001, 11:16 am- Re: Durability worries
Julie Kanarr -- 3/24/2001, 9:38 am- Re: Durability worries
Rob Macks -- 3/24/2001, 8:43 am- Re: Durability worries
Mike Hanks -- 3/23/2001, 11:09 pm - Re: G.R.
- Re: Durability worries